President Reed meets with Missouri Governor

This afternoon, City of St. Louis Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed met with State of Missouri Governor Mike Parson.

September 27, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on September 27, 2018.

This afternoon, City of St. Louis Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed met with State of Missouri Governor Mike Parson along with his Chief of Staff Robert Knodell.

President Reed expressed his concerns regarding public safety to the Governor. He requested any and all support from the State to implement a Group Violence Intervention Program in the City of St. Louis, similar to the Boston Ceasefire program. President Reed also suggested to the Governor to consider implementing this type of program across the entire State. The Governor was responsive and supportive to President Reed’s request to help combat the issues of crime in our City.

“It was good to hear that the Governor feels that the crime issues in our City do not only impact our residents, but it impacts the entire State as a whole. It is important that all levels of Government work together to find a solution,” said Reed. 

The two also discussed the importance of maintaining tax credits for the City of St. Louis - particularly north of Delmar. The Governor understands the importance of development within the urban cores of our cities. They also discussed the expansion of the Metrolink and seeking reimbursement for housing State detainees in the City jails. 

President Reed found today’s meeting to be productive and the beginning of a good relationship between the City and State. “It is encouraging to witness his openness to discuss and work with others across the aisle. I look forward to continuing to work with the Governor and addressing some of these issues in our City,” said Reed. 

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