Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed calls on corporate community to add to reward fund for the killer of 7 year old Dmyah Fleming and her father, Darrion Fleming
The additional funds will be used to help arrest and capture the killer
This article is 4 years old. It was published on February 1, 2021.
Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed is calling on the corporate community to help increase the reward for the person responsible for the murder of Dmyah and Darrion Fleming.
“A little over one week ago, the lives of a man and his seven year old daughter were taken in cold blood. We cannot let the deaths of 7-year-old Dmyah Fleming and her young father become last week’s news. We need everyone to know that if you shoot and kill someone, especially a child, you will be caught and taken off of the streets.
Today, I am calling upon our corporate community to take a stand with me and contribute additional funds to the current $40,000 reward so that we can find the person responsible for this heinous crime. We know someone out there knows something. We need them to come forward.
Together, we can make this a turning point in our City. We cannot continue to go on as business as usual. We must take a united stand against senseless gun violence and disregard for human life. Let today be the day we say ‘no more.’ Let today be the day we begin to make the lives of everyone in our city safe.
Together, we can bring justice to the family and begin to bring a sense of normalcy back to our neighborhoods. Enough is enough,” said Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed.
Any one wanting to contribute to the reward is asked to call Crimestoppers at (314) 725-8405 or make a donation online.
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