Apply For A Property Tax Exemption

Information to apply and determine tax-exempt status for property.


The Assessors Office will determine tax-exempt status based on legal factors pertaining to each specific property.

In order to obtain exemption, the owner must present substantial and persuasive evidence demonstrating the property meets the requirements of Article X, Section 6 of the Missouri Constitution and Section 137.100 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.

The use of the property is a determining factor for the decision of tax-exempt status of a property. 

If you are a disabled POW, you may use these instructions to apply for a property tax exemption.


1. Fill out appropriate tax exempt documents below:

  • Tax Exempt Application – signed and notarized
  • Copy of Organization Certificate, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (if not incorporated)
  • Copy of IRS correspondence determining exemption from Federal Income Tax (501(c)(3) (if submit copy of By-Laws only) applicable. (If letter is dated more than three years, please obtain a new letter)
  • Copy of Missouri Dept. of Revenue correspondence granting sales tax exemption, if applicable.

2. Sign and notarize all the correct forms.

3. Mail or Bring the form and all above documentation to:

Assessor's Office
Room 120
City Hall
St. Louis, MO 63103

4. You may also email the signed Application for Exemption Form and above documentation to:

For Exemption of Personal Property, you must include the following documents and information in addition to the items above.

  1. Copy of title(s) of each motor vehicle owned by the organization.
  2. List of other items indicating purchase price or depreciation value as of January 1st of this year. (Desks, chairs, computers, and other business equipment)
  3. Name, address, phone number and email of person to contact in order to inspect the premises.
  4. Financial reports for the last three years, including the most recent year of operation, showing income from all sources.

What to Expect

  • The application and materials will be processed
  • The property will be inspected,
  • A written determination of the tax exempt status (approved or denied) will be mailed to the applicant.

Depending on the complexity of the property, the process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

Additional Information

Tax-exempt Organizations

Property that is leased to tax-exempt organizations is still considered a taxable property. 

Non-profit organizations must provide a completed application and supporting documents to be considered for exemption from property taxes for each property owned.

Properties Exempt From Taxation (137.100 RSMo)

Note: Business personal property is tax-exempt only when it is owned by the tax-exempt entity.



Assessor - Real Estate Assessment and Appraisal

(314) 622-4185

1200 Market St, Room 120
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

Contact the Assessor - Real Estate Assessment and Appraisal

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