FY2023 Annual Operating Plan
The FY2023 Annual Operating Plan

Publication Date: 07/06/2022
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Budget Division
FY2023 AOP Introduction (1.66 MB)
FY2023 AOP Executive Summary (10.12 MB)
FY2023 AOP General Government (825.72 KB)
FY2023 AOP Finance (695.61 KB)
FY2023 AOP Non Departmental (773.07 KB)
FY2023 AOP Parks, Recreation and Forestry (884.63 KB)
FY2023 AOP Judicial Offices (772.72 KB)
FY2023 AOP County Offices (665.23 KB)
FY2023 AOP Public Utilities (821.09 KB)
FY2023 AOP Streets (767.74 KB)
FY2023 AOP Public Safety (1.22 MB)
FY2023 AOP Health and Hospitals (940.13 KB)
FY2023 AOP Human Services (855.14 KB)
FY2023 AOP Board of Public Service (926.95 KB)
FY2023 AOP Capital Improvements (1.29 MB)
FY2023 AOP Appendix (3.42 MB)
FY2023 AOP Complete (26.32 MB)
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