Advisory Council on the Disabled

Information, member listings and meeting materials for the Advisory Council on the Disabled

The advisory council, established by City Ordinance 57432, keeps the Mayor, the Board of Aldermen, the Director of Human Services, and the Commissioner of the Disabled advised on all matters relating to the welfare of disabled persons residing in the City. The council reviews and makes its recommendations on all matters presented to it.

Read more about the Advisory Council on the Disabled.

Meeting Materials

Advisory Council on the Disabled Meetings 2018-
Advisory Council on the Disabled Meetings 2012-2013
Advisory Council on the Disabled Meetings 2011-2012

Upcoming Meetings

The Advisory Council meets on an as-needed basis.

    No events available.

Board Members

Apply to Serve (6 openings)

Showing 7 active board members (maximum 9)
Name Role End Date
Rush Wilkerson Member 05/01/2027
Thy Huskey Member 05/01/2025
Kerri Morgan Member 05/01/2025
Donna Gunning Member 05/01/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Gina Hilberry Member 05/01/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Naomi Soule Member 05/01/2023
Serving Beyond Term
William Sheldon Member 05/01/2021
Serving Beyond Term

Member Requirements

Members of the advisory council shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The five (5) members first appointed shall serve a term of four years each and the four (4) members last appointed shall serve a term of two years. Thereafter, all members shall serve a term of 4-years.

They shall receive no compensation for their services on the advisory council.

Board Duties and Purpose

The Office on the Disabled as a Division of the Department of Welfare, in addition to other powers and duties as hereafter may be authorized and imposed by law, shall:

  1. Advise and confer with the Mayor, the Board of Aldermen and other city, county state and federal officials concerning projects and activities for the disabled.
  2. Study current patterns and conditions of living of disabled persons and identify such factors as my be beneficial or detrimental to the wholesome and meaningful living of such disabled persons.
  3. Develop and/or demonstrate new approaches, techniques and methods which hold promise of substantial contribution towards wholesome and meaningful living of such disabled persons.
  4. Develop and/or demonstrate new approaches, methods and techniques for achieving and/or improving coordination of community and governmental services for such disabled persons.
  5. Evaluate approaches, techniques and methods which may assist disabled persons to enjoy wholesome and meaningful living and to contribute to the strength and welfare of the community.
  6. Prepare and adopt plans, reports, applications and agreements for cooperation with, and receiving assistance and grants from the other governmental agencies, local, state and/or federal, established for such purposes.
  7. Work cooperatively with other city departments and agencies in the development of policy and the implementation of programs.


Office on the Disabled

(314) 622-3686

1200 Market Street, Room 30
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday

Contact the Office on the Disabled

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