A Message from the License Collector Regarding the Coronavirus Disease

March 13, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on March 13, 2020.

From the Office of the License Collector

Today, the President of the United States declared the recent COVID-19 outbreak a National Emergency. This follows Thursday’s announcement from the City of St. Louis declaring COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency, and prohibiting events exceeding 1,000 attendees in the City of St. Louis to limit the potential exposure. Prior to this announcement, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, leading to cancellations of major events globally, including various parades, concerts & sporting events.

Due to an abundance of profound caution & concerns for our residents, especially our seniors & immuno-compromised residents who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, we are encouraging our taxpayers to please, if possible, conduct all official License Collector Business via our online portal. Our office allows for residents to apply for a business license, renew a license, pay fees, and search for licensed businesses online. If you have access to broadband, we strongly recommend utilization of our services via our online capabilities. 

Should your circumstances require you to come to our office, we have a hand sanitizer dispenser in our lobby. We encourage everyone to sanitize once you enter and exit our office after official business is concluded. 

We thank you for assisting us in keeping our shared community as safe & healthy as possible. If you have additional questions or concerns, additional resources can be found below:

Office of the License Collector
Phone: (314) 622-4528

St. Louis City COVID-19 Information
Phone: (314) 657-1499
COVID-19 Coronavirus Information

MO Department of Health and Senior Services
Phone: (877) 435-8411

Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities



Mavis T. Thompson, Esq.

License Collector

City of St. Louis

  • Department:
    Office of the License Collector
  • Topic:

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