St. Louis Rams Settlement Plan
Information and reports on the management of the City of St. Louis portion of the Rams settlement funds.
When the St. Louis Rams NFL football team relocated to Los Angeles in 2016, the City, County and the St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Authority filed a lawsuit against the NFL. In November 2021, the parties and the NFL reached a historic settlement agreement. In November 2022, the City, County, and RSA decided to divide the settlement between the three parties:
- $280 million to the City of St. Louis, including $30 million to expand the Dome at America's Center.
- $169 million to St. Louis County
- $70 million to St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Authority
Settlement Funds Survey
Residents have selected the ideas they want the Board of Aldermen to research, vet for feasibility, and consider for funding.
The voting period on a shortlist of ideas, the latest phase in the public process for the Rams Settlement Funds, attracted 12,442 online and paper responses during its thirty-day voting window. By comparison, the Board of Aldermen received 3,195 completed surveys when it launched its kick-off survey in August 2023 to identify resident challenges. There are now 16,000 registered users on the City’s public engagement platform—making the Rams Settlement process the City’s largest public participation event in recent memory.
Settlement Plan
The City of St. Louis, with guidance from the St. Louis Treasurer’s Office, has invested the $280 million won from the historic Rams settlement in a secure account with the Missouri Securities Investment Program (MOSIP), where the funds will continue to accrue interest and grow.
The MOSIP account offers flexibility and interest. MOSIP and its various services provide school districts, municipalities, counties, and more an opportunity to maximize their income potential with secure investments while adhering to Missouri investment guidelines. As of September 15, 2023, the City's share of the funds have accrued $5.8 million in interest.
Following the seating of a new Board of Aldermen, the City will engage community members to educate residents and to hear their recommendations on how best to use this transformative opportunity for St. Louis. Unlike American Rescue Plan funds, which are bound by US Treasury guidelines and must be spent by the end of 2026, Rams settlement funds face no similar restrictions.
Per the settlement agreement, $30 million of the City’s $280 million share must be appropriated by the Board of Alderman before June 30, 2023 to keep the funds in the City by investing in the Convention Center. If the Board does not act by the deadline, the City must cede that $30 million to the Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority (RSA).
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Additional Resources
- January 4, 2016: It's official: The St. Louis Rams want to move to Los Angeles
- November 24, 2021: St. Louis city and county score $790 million in Rams settlement
- November 27, 2021: Touchdown St. Louis: A Recap of the NFL and Rams Lawsuit
- November 22, 2022: St. Louis reaches tentative agreement on splitting Rams settlement money