City of St. Louis CLOSED Today Due to Ice Storm

Emergency Operations Center Activated

January 13, 2017 | 2 min reading time

This article is 8 years old. It was published on January 13, 2017.

ST. LOUIS – Mayor Francis Slay has ordered St. Louis City Hall closed Friday, January 13, 2017, due to the ice storm. The National Weather Service has issued the Ice Storm Warning through Noon on Sunday. Mayor Slay encourages everyone to stay home and take precautions to stay safe in the storm. The storm has the potential to produce up to half an inch of ice.

Mayor Slay has activated its Emergency Operations Center and winter outreach. The National Weather Service has issued the Watch for late Thursday night throughSaturdayafternoon. 

Please refer to the following information regarding City operations:

  • In case of real emergency, call 911.
  • Report downed power lines to Ameren Missouri by calling 800-552-7583. Report power outages to Ameren's Outage Center.
  • Report trees and large limbs down and other requests for City services to the Citizens' Service Bureau, which can be contacted online, on twitter @stlcsb or by phone at (314) 622-4800.

The City of St. Louis Street Department has begun around-the-clock operations with the first crews pre-treating the roads ahead of the storm. Crews will focus their attention on arterial, secondary, and hill routes. Snow routes are posted here . Please give crews room to work.

The St. Louis Fire Department has added extra ambulances and fire trucks to its in-service fleet. People who experience minor strains or bruises from a slip or fall are urged to call their physicians or go to Urgent Care on their own. Call 911 in an emergency only.

Human Services and its partners again have launched increased outreach and expanded shelter beds for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Area nonprofits, volunteer groups and various departments within the City of St. Louis are working diligently to ensure that unsheltered homeless men, women, and children are safe and out of the dangerous winter weather. Those seeking shelter should please contact the following agencies:

  • St. Louis Housing Helpline: (314) 802-5444
  • United Way: 211
  • Biddle Housing Opportunities Center: (314) 612-1675; 1313 N. Tucker St., St. Louis, MO 63101

Contact Edwin Muhammad at (314) 657-1718 or for assistance with shelter coordination.

Warming centers are also open and available to all residents. People may call 211 to be connected to the closest location.

The Department of Health has begun active surveillance with local hospitals to monitor cold-related illnesses. The Department recommends St. Louis residents and visitors to begin preparations in case the storm materializes:

  • Be aware of current weather conditions, as well as the forecast. You may sign up for text alerts from the City's Emergency Management Agency by texting STLCEMA to 888777.
  • Adjust your travel time to avoid the storm. 
  • If you must travel, inform a relative or friend of your route and expected time of arrival. Be sure to include a cell phone charger for your car.
  • Sprinkle salt, sand, or cat litter on icy patches around your home to reduce the risk of slips and falls.
  • Also, wear shoes with rubber or other types of slip-resistant soles and slow down when walking.
  • Bring pets inside or provide them with warm shelter and unfrozen water to drink. It's the law.
  • Routinely check on members of your family, neighbors, and pets.

Heat-Up St. Louis also is helping area seniors and the disabled with their winter heating bills, they and qualified area low-income households should call 314-241-7668, or log onto The all volunteer charity is also requesting tax-deductible donations, which can made through its secure website at

The City's Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) will continue to coordinate weather-related response from the Emergency Operations Center through the duration of the storm.

  • Department:
    Office of the Mayor
    City Emergency Management Agency
    Department of Health
    Fire Department
  • Topic:

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