Mayor Krewson Announces Extension of City’s Temporary Outdoor Seating Permit Program

City of St. Louis’ Temporary Outdoor Seating Permit Program is extended through December 31, 2021

November 6, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 5 years old. It was published on November 6, 2020.

Note: This program has been extended to June 30, 2022. Read more.

Mayor Lyda Krewson today announced the extension of the City of St. Louis’ Temporary Outdoor Seating Permit Program through December 31, 2021, allowing restaurants and other businesses, upon approval, to expand outdoor seating and dining options as the winter season approaches.

“I’m very aware of the many challenges the pandemic has created for our local restaurants and other small businesses, and their workforce. I see this as an opportunity for us to continue to help them as much as possible so they can serve more customers and hopefully keep people on the payroll while still being to safely practice robust social distancing,” said Mayor Krewson.

The City, through its Office of Special Events, established the permit program in May 2020 and has worked swiftly in the months since to execute a streamlined process for local restaurants and bars looking to expand or introduce outdoor dining and seating on a temporary basis. To date, approximately 40 permits have been approved.

Businesses will still be required to take prudent safety precautions to reduce the exposure to, and slow the spread of, COVID-19 among staff and guests. The City encourages owners to explore three types of potential seating expansions, including the use of private property, the use of adjacent sidewalks, and the use of public streets.

There are NO FEES associated with applying for a Temporary Outdoor Seating Expansion permit. However, fees may be associated with approved permits that require the closure of City streets and/or the blocking of parking meters. It will be the City’s goal to process, review, and issue permits in an expedited fashion that reduces turnaround time as much as possible.

Restaurants, bars and other interested businesses will first need to submit an application for review. Applications can be found on the City’s website here:

Completed applications, along with all the required supporting documentation, should be emailed to The application needs to be completed by the restaurant/business owner applying for the use of public OR private property to accommodate outdoor seating.

The City of St. Louis Office of Special Events stands ready to help answer any questions. Please call (314) 589-6640 or email for assistance.

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