DeBaliviere Place Neighborhood Map
DeBaliviere Place general boundaries are defined as Delmar Blvd on the North, southward to Union Blvd. on the East, westward to Lindell Blvd. on the South, northward to DeBaliviere Ave. westward to Forest Park Pky, northward to Debaliviere Ave on the West to Delmar Blvd.

Publication Date: 07/02/2010
Document Type: Maps and GIS
Planning & Urban Design Agency
Standard letter size map.
DeBaliviere Place general boundaries are defined as Delmar Blvd on the North, southward to Union Blvd. on the East, westward to Lindell Blvd. on the South, northward to DeBaliviere Ave. westward to Forest Park Pky, northward to Debaliviere Ave on the West to Delmar Blvd.
Debaliviere Place Neighborhood (159.39 KB)
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