Dr. Prince Booked For On-Air Interviews With Meghan O of The “O” Show, Hot 104.1 FM Radio, to Engage St. Louisans With Message of Hope, Opportunity, and Jobs

SLATE deploys the talk show platform to broaden its community reach, attract and engage a new audience, connect unemployed to jobs and opportunities

August 30, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on August 30, 2018.

Dr. Prince on the "O" show

August 30, 2018, ST. LOUIS, MO – Starting on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, the Executive Director of the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE), Dr. Alice M. Prince, will start making regular appearances as a guest of Meghan O, St. Louis’ #1 radio personality from Hot 104.1 FM radio station. Hot 104.1 is owned by Radio One and home to St. Louis’ #1 Hip Hop and R&B station. The “O” show hosted by Meghan O is ranked #7 in the country.  

This project follows in the footsteps of Dr. Prince’s earlier initiatives demonstrating her intentional and unapologetic approach to serving disenfranchised communities with limited access to resources and job opportunities. “This collaboration was a no brainer,” said Dr. Prince. Since taking the office of SLATE as the Agency’s Executive Director, about a year ago, she repeatedly executed projects that brought work readiness, career training, post-secondary education and GED/HiSet obtainment directly to people's doorsteps.

In addition to SLATE’s hugely popular standing event, Workforce Wednesdays, that connects area employers with job seekers for on-site interviews, placements, and hiring on the-spot, SLATE’s team has been spotted in the communities, walking door to door in the neighborhoods alongside Chief Hayden and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, sharing information with residents, and inviting them to come for a visit to learn about many career and work readiness services available to them at SLATE.

Often, SLATE’s team hops on the bi-state bus to speak with the passengers and hand out resources about jobs. Most recently, SLATE hosted the Department of Probation and Parole visit, which, according to Dr. Prince, signifies an important milestone of SLATE’s continuing growth and success as a community-based agency. SLATE has also been active in helping the City to celebrate this year’s Pride Parade, offering resources at its location at 1520 Market Street the day of the parade.

“We are more than conquerors! We will save our community by granting access to employment and opportunities to our entire community, including but not limited to unemployed, underemployed, college students, college graduates, veterans, and highly skilled,” said Dr. Prince. 

According to Dr. Prince, the talk show platform will allow SLATE to bring a more dynamic and broad influence to the communities we serve. “We will not wait on clients to come to us; we will go to our clients. We will continue to move at a rapid pace to service our community because we know that we are giving people tools that are saving lives,” said Dr. Prince. 

Listeners of Hot 104.1 FM with be able to hear more of Dr. Prince’s message of hope and opportunity daily, starting at 10 a.m., Monday – Friday.

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