Port of Metropolitan St. Louis

The Port of Metropolitan St. Louis (PMSL) is the second-largest inland port system in the United States

Port of Metropolitan St. Louis

The Port of Metropolitan St. Louis offers the heart of a 15-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that has become known as the Ag Coast of America. It is home to 15 barge-transfer facilities that, at total capacity, can handle 150 barges a day – the highest level of capacity anywhere along the Mississippi River.

The St. Louis region’s port system is the second-largest inland port system in the United States, and was ranked the most efficient port system by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The St. Louis regional port system is responsible for 8% of the 855 miles of the Mississippi River, but carries one-third of the river’s total freight. In 2018, the region’s barge industry handled more than 534,000 tons per mile – more than 2.5 times more efficient than the closest competitor.

PMSL, as defined by the US Army Corps of Engineers:

  • 70 miles long, includes both sides of Mississippi River
  • 19th largest US port (2018 US Army Corps data)
  • Northernmost ice- and lock-free port on Mississippi River
  • Served by 6 Class One railroads, 7 Interstates, 2 international airports
  • Serves multiple states and cities along Inland Waterway
  • Located within 500 miles of one-third of the US population
  • Access to two Foreign Trade Zones
  • Supports thousands of jobs in Missouri and Illinois
  • Includes the City of St. Louis Port District

Port District Boundaries 

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