Integrated Parking Technology RFP Pre-Proposal Conference
Integrated Parking Technology RFP Pre-Proposal Conference documents
Publication Date: 10/30/2013
Document Type: Informational Pages
Office of the Treasurer
Documents from the Integrated Parking Technology RFP Pre-Proposal Conference.
RFP for Integrated Parking Management (119.13 KB)
Pre-Proposal Conference Agenda (63.01 KB)
Pre-Proposal Conference Presentation (1.08 MB)
Pre-Proposal Conference Amendments and Q & A (413.89 KB)
Vendor Addendum Q & A (73.94 KB)
Duncan Contract for Meter Management (393.29 KB)
Duncan Contract for TID Maintenance (332.27 KB)
Amendment to Duncan Contract (9.19 MB)
Xerox-ACS Contract Parking Violations Program (1.49 MB)
Annual Revenue by Zone (179.76 KB)
Parking Zone Meter Map (1.13 MB)
Ticket Issuance (123.35 KB)
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