North Pointe Neighborhood Overview

Information concerning the neighborhood history, characteristics, institutions and organizations, planning and development.


This Northside neighborhood is defined by Goodfellow on the North-Northwest, by West Florissant on the Southwest and by Riverview Boulevard on the East-Northeast. The North Point neighborhood is surrounded by the Walnut Park East and West, Baden, and Riverview neighborhoods and by the Cavalry Cemetery on its City of St. Louis side and by Jennings on its County side.


The North Pointe neighborhood is located along the southern portion of the historic Baden area. The first inhabitants were mostly a result of the traffic from surrounding farms, however, major settlement coincided with the arrival of German immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s.

Columbia Bottoms road, now known as Riverview Drive, was laid out in about 1830 as a farm-to-market road leading to St. Louis. Traffic from a farming area of more than 100 square miles in northern St. Louis County followed this road and others through present-day North Point and Baden area to reach the St. Louis market. Land divisions in the Baden-Riverview area were originally created from a series of large land tracts, or survey, which represented American confirmations of the early French and Spanish land grants made in the late 18thCentury. Eventually, these surveys were subdivided into farming areas in the early 1850s.

Residential development began in the early 1900s and generally lasted to the 1930s, with the construction of several single-family and two-family bungalows and townhouses.

The area has been subject to numberous bouts of flooding in recent years, and The Metropolitan Sewer District is currently engaged in analyzing the problem and trying to remedy the situation so that future such destructive inundation will not occur with such regularity.

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