Services and Information

  • Continuum of Care (CoC) Plan
    The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awards Homeless Assistance Program funding through what is known as the Continuum of Care (CoC) for a community.
  • Help for Veterans
    Assistance for veterans in the St. Louis area who are struggling with housing, employment, finances, health and other issues.
  • Help for Youth
    Listings of organizations that can help St. Louis City youth with housing, education, substance use, employment and other issues.
  • Housing Help
    Resources for people in St. Louis who need assistance with temporary or transitional housing, or who need financial help with housing or utility bills.
  • Incarceration and Re-Entry Help
    Resources to help those who are incarcerated or those who have recently been released from prison in the City of St. Louis, including bond assistance, housing, employment and medication help.

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