Housing Help
Resources for people in St. Louis who need assistance with temporary or transitional housing, or who need financial help with housing or utility bills.
If you are in immediate need of shelter, United Way of Greater St. Louis can help get you into a local shelter for the night.
Call 211 or 800-427-4626
The Help for Youth page has more information about youth housing.
Temporary Housing/Shelter
St Patrick Center
Transforming lives and working to create a community where everyone has access to sustainable housing, employment and healthcare.
- Housing First
- Support services for the homeless
Phone: 314-802-0700
Website: St Patrick Center
City Hope St. Louis
City Hope St. Louis provides the unhoused in the St. Louis Metro region with shelter, meals, education and more.
- Emergency shelter
- Transitional housing
- Warming centers
Phone: 314-904-4673
Website: City Hope St. Louis
Gateway 180 Homeless Services
Provides the tools and support people need to rebuild their best selves and move onto stability, independence and permanent housing.
- 24-Hour emergency shelter
- Permanent housing assistance
- Meals
- Counseling
Phone: 314-231-1515
Housing Resource Hotline: 314-802-5444
Website: Gateway 180 Homeless Services
Transitional Housing
Criminal Justice Ministry
CJM offers services to incarcerated individuals and provides reentry programs and transitional housing for those returning to the St. Louis area.
- Bus passes, emergency medicine, hygiene items
- Transitional housing
- Support groups
Phone: 314-652-8062
Website: Criminal Justice Ministry
Doorways provides housing and related supportive services to improve quality of life and health outcomes for people affected by HIV/AIDS.
- 30-60 day emergency housing
- Housing for parents and children
- Residential program
- Housing financial assistance
Phone: 314-535-1919
Website: Doorways Housing
Father Dempsey's Charities (Men)
Father Dempsey's provides transitional housing, food and social services for men.
- Housing
- Nightly dinner for residents
- Saturday breakfast
Phone: 314-792-7005
Website: Father Dempsey's Charities
Haven of Grace
Haven of Grace fills a need in the community to help women who are pregnant and homeless. We provide a place to live, educational programs, and long-term support.
- Maternity shelter
- Transitional housing
- Case management
- New homeowners' assistance
Phone: 314-621-6507
Website: Haven of Grace
Hope House
Hope House offers transitional housing, healthcare, job training and other resources to people who are unhoused or at risk of being unhoused.
- Housing for individuals and families
- Career development
- Education
- Child Development Center
Phone: 314-382-3801
Website: Hope House
Magdala House
Magdala House provides transitional housing in the tiny homes at Jefferson Spaces
- Temporary housing
- Counseling
- Meals, showers and laundry
Phone: 314-652-6004
Website: Magdala House
Salvation Army Family Haven
The Family Center provides domestic violence services, emergency shelter, casework services, detoxification services, transitional housing, community recreation programs and day care to anyone in need.
- Alcohol and drug treatment (non-residential)
- Community recreation programs
- Counseling services
Phone: 314-423-7770
Website: Salvation Family Haven
Housing/Utilities Financial Help
Beyond Housing
Strengthening families and transforming communities to create a stronger, more equitable, and prosperous St. Louis—once and for all.
- Resources and low-income assistance
- Current renters' assistance
- Prospective renters' assistance
- New homeowners' assistance
Phone: 314-533-0600
Website: Beyond Housing
Heat Up/Cool Down St. Louis
Helps elderly and disabled people and low-income families in a two-state (Missouri and Illinois) area with their delinquent energy bills.
- Utility financial assistance
- Utility budget and energy efficiency counseling
- Referrals for climate control related home repairs
- New homeowners' assistance
Phone: 314-241-0001
Website: Heat Up/Cool Down St. Louis
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is the main federal program that helps low-income households and seniors with their utility bills, providing vital assistance during both the winter and summer.
Phone: 314-615-3632
Website: LIHEAP
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