Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen News, Birthdays - June 2012
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This article is 13 years old. It was published on June 1, 2012.
Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed
The following are the Board of Aldermen June birthdays. Please do not hesitate to stop and wish them a "Happy Birthday" if you see them in City Hall:
Gregory Carter - Alderman 27th Ward - June 6
Kacie Starr Triplett - Alderwoman 6th Ward - June 8
Tracy Billups - Secretary - June 11
Joseph Roddy - Alderman 17th Ward - June 13
Marlene Davis - Alderwoman 19th Ward - June 14
Joseph Vaccaro - Alderman 23rd Ward - June 25
Legislative Updates
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The Board of Aldermen meets every Friday at 10 a.m. in Room 230 of City Hall, 1200 Market Street. Every citizen is welcome to attend our meetings.
Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed
City of St. Louis
Board of Aldermen
Elected Officials