Request Set Up of a Videoconference

Procedures for use by City Departments, Offices, Agencies, and Boards wishing to schedule virtual PUBLIC meetings.


Because of the Global Pandemic declared on March 11, 2020, and subsequent Federal, State and Local Public Health Orders, for the protection of the public and in keeping with CDC guidelines, City of St. Louis Public meetings may be held by video conference.

City Departments, Offices, Agencies and Boards are to follow the procedure below to request a set up of a vide/teleconference public meeting from the Information Technology Services Agency

NOTE: Below instructions are for PUBLIC meetings only. Use Google Meet for internal staff/partner meetings.


Step 1: Request Set Up

Request a meeting using the Virtual Meeting Request Form.

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Department Name
  • Department Contact Person Name and Email Address
  • Topic: the topic of the meeting
  • Description: a description of the meeting
  • Start Time: the time the meeting is scheduled to start
  • Duration: how long you think the meeting will last
  • Recurring: should this meeting be scheduled to occur regularly? On what schedule?
  • Public: will this meeting have public participants, or only public viewers?
  • Captioning: do you need live closed captioning services during the meeting?
  • Recording: do you want the meeting to be automatically recorded?
  • Streaming: do you want it streamed to youtube?

Once ITSA has pre-scheduled the meeting, you will receive an email reply with the invite text that contains a link and phone number to join the meeting. You can copy and paste the invite text into a calendar invitation if you wish.

Step 2: Meeting Notification

Your department will be responsible for notifying all attendees and posting public notices as per below. A sample public notice is attached for your reference. Contact City Counselor’s office with questions regarding posting public notices.

Section 610.020.1, “All public governmental bodies shall give notice of the time, date and place of each meeting, and its tentative agenda…and if the meeting will be conducted by telephone or electronic means, the notice shall identify the mode by which the meeting will be conducted and the designated location where the public may observe and attend the meeting. If a public body plans to meet by internet chat, internet message board, or other computer link, it shall post a notice of the meeting on its website in addition to its principal office and shall notify the public how to access the meeting.”

Reminder: Mayor Executive Order No.6 requires that all public meetings shall be posted electronically on the official website of the City of St. Louis.

Step 3: Public Meeting Notification

Update the meeting event on the website calendar as on other distribution methods to include the meeting information.

Use the following Public Notice Template:

<Meeting Name/Department>

Notice of Public Meeting

To Be Held By Videoconference

To join the meeting go to the following link from any internet device (phone, tablet, computer)

<insert meeting url>

Enter Meeting ID: <insert meeting id>


Dial in by phone:

<insert phone number> and enter meeting ID: <insert meeting ID, including the # sign>

 (Notice Posted <insert date posted> at <insert time posted>)

<insert meeting name/department> to be held <insert meeting date/time>

 Note: Because of the Global Pandemic declared on March 11, 2020, and subsequent Federal, State and Local Public Health Orders, for the protection of the public and in keeping with CDC guidelines, this meeting will be held by videoconference.

Attendees who require auxiliary aids or services such as closed captioning or other accommodations for this meeting/event are asked to contact <insert department name & phone number>  at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting/event

Confirm the meeting agenda is linked from the event page. If not, link to the agenda document page.

Step 4: Managing the Meeting

Any attendee requiring closed captioning service must notify the department at least 3 days in advance. Upon receiving that information, the department shall notify ITSA by emailing Luke Migneco with a carbon copy sent to Lynn Visintine

At the time of the meeting, your department contact person should join the meeting. 

Somebody from STLTV will sign in as the host to assist with any logistics required, including the management of the recording if one exists.

Please contact Donna Brooks-Sanders at or Tony Mueller or call 314-325-4908 if you need assistance accessing the meeting.



Cost is covered.

What to Expect

The scheduling of an online meeting where all participants can attend.


Information Technology Services Agency

(314) 622-3272

1200 Market Street, City Hall Room 214
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday

Contact the Information Technology Services Agency

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