Boards and Commissions Application

Apply for City of Saint Louis Boards and Commissions

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Your Name

Please provide your first and last name to begin applying for nomination to City of Saint Louis board and commissions.

Board and Commission Info

Cherokee-Lemp Special Business Districts

Personal Information

City Property Owner

Are you a registered to vote at the home address provided above?

Information is used to ensure composition of Board or Commission satisfies political affiliation requirements


All of the following demographic questions, including gender, are voluntary and not required. This helps us ensure diverse representation on our boards and commissions.

Are you a Veteran?


Business and Professional Experience

List any other sole proprietorships, limited or general partnerships, joint ventures, closely held corporations, etc. in which you hold an active interest.

Are you related to a current elected/appointed official or City employee?

Do you or your family have any financial or other interests that may present a conflict of interest or the appearance of such a conflict if appointed to the Board of Commission for which you are being nominated?

Organizations, Civic Activities, Other


We accept .gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.tiff,.bmp,.pdf,.txt,.rtf,.csv,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx, .zip files under 50 MB. check total requried

The system allows you to upload a maximum of 20 documents with your application. You may upload more documents via case manager after you submit.


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