Missouri Botanical Garden Subdistrict
Details about the Missouri Botanical Garden Subdistrict
The Botanical Gardens Subdistrict is a "subdistrict" of the larger ZMD (The Zoological Park (Metropolitan) & Museum District (Cultural District). The Commission is charged with overseeing the management of the Missouri Botanical Garden and in particular its operation as a political subdivision of the larger ZMD and, ultimately, the state.
The Botanical Gardens Sub-district shall consist of a political sub-district which shall provide for the collection and exhibition of displays of things relating to plants or botany, for the promotion of plant life and related subjects, educational and research activities, for the maintenance of a botanical library, and for the promotion by all proper means of public interest in plant life and botany; or which may contract with another person with the capability of providing such services.
The Botanical Gardens Sub-district shall be governed by a commission consisting of ten (10) members, five (5) of whom shall be nominated by the then existing commission and appointed by the Mayor of the City of the St. Louis. The remaining five (5) shall be nominated by the then existing commission and appointed by the St. Louis County Executive. The commissioners shall serve 4 year terms.
There shall also be four (4) nonvoting advisory members, two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by the Mayor of the City of St. Louis; and two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by St. Louis County Executive, with such 4 year terms subject to the advice and consent of the respective legislative bodies of the city (Board of Aldermen) or county in which the proposed member resides.
Non-Voting Advisory appointments requires the Board of Aldermen consent
Apply to Serve (7 openings)
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Adrian Bracy | Vice Chairperson | 12/31/2025 |
Charlotte Hammond | Member | 12/31/2025 |
James Hoffmeister | Member | 09/30/2025 |
Diego Abente | Member | 12/31/2024 |
Marcia Mellitz | Member | 12/31/2024 |
Olakanle (Ola) Ayeni | Non-Voting | 09/30/2024 |
Stacy Edwards | Non-Voting | 09/30/2024 |
Saladin (Sal) Martinez | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Kristin Poelker | Secretary |
Serving Beyond Term |
Francis Yueh | Treasurer |
Serving Beyond Term |
Hillary Zimmerman | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Daniel Welsh | Non-Voting |
Serving Beyond Term |
Lydia Padilla | Chairperson |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
Rev. Mo. Stat. 184.358 (1992).
Board Duties and Purpose
Each respective sub-district is hereby empowered to own, hold, control, lease, acquire by donation, gift or bequest, purchase, contract, lease, sell, any and all rights in land, buildings, improvements, furnishings, displays, exhibits and programs and any and all other real, personal or mixed property, or to contract with other persons to provide for any and all services for the purposes of the sub-district.
Upon the creation of a botanical sub-district as provided for in section 184.353, all buildings, property, and facilities which are wholly publicly owned and which are then in the care and custody of the botanical sub-district or of any person providing botanical services to the botanical sub-district by contract shall become the property of and vest in the botanical sub-district on the date such sub-district shall be established as provided in section 184.353. Any obligations, duties, rights, privileges of whatever description pertaining to or relating to the maintenance, operation, construction, design, or affairs of such buildings, property, and facilities shall be assumed by the botanical sub-district.
Member Requirements
The botanical garden sub-district established as provided in section 184.353 shall be governed by a commission consisting of ten (10) members to serve without compensation for a term of 4 years.
Five (5) commissioners and their respective successors of each commission shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter county; and five (5) commissioners and their respective successors of each commission shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter city from persons nominated and submitted by the respective then existing commissions. The authority to appoint shall include the authority to reject and in such case an additional nominee or nominees shall be submitted. Board of Aldermen approval is NOT required for the 5 voting members appointed by the mayor.
The commission shall nominate a person to replace members of the class whose terms are to expire or to fill a vacancy. Commissioners who have been appointed by the chief executive officer of the city shall be residents and registered voters of the city during their tenure in office and Commissioners who have been appointed by the chief executive officer of the county shall be residents and registered voters of the county during their tenure in office.
There shall also be four (4) nonvoting advisory members, two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter county and two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter city, with such 4 year terms subject to the advice and consent of the respective legislative bodies of the city or county in which the proposed member resides. Board of Aldermen approval IS required for the 2 non-voting advisory members appointed by the mayor.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile
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