212 S. Grand Community Improvement District

Details about the 212 S. Grand Community Improvement District


This District has the authority to levy a sales and use tax within its bounds.


the real property located at 212 S. Grand Blvd. and 374 S. Grand Blvd., generally bounded by S. Grand Blvd. to the west; Forest Park Ave and 300 S. Grand Blvd. to the north; 300 S. Grand Blvd., 314 S. Grand Blvd., and 3501 Market Street to the east, and Market Street and 3501 Market Street to the south" (Ordinance 68950, Section One).

Apply to Serve (5 openings)
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 4 active board members (maximum 5)
Name Role End Date
Clarissa Douglass Member 07/12/2021
Serving Beyond Term
Karly Frazier Member 07/12/2021
Serving Beyond Term
Jason Fulton Member 07/12/2019
Serving Beyond Term
Ashley Henderson Member 07/12/2019
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 68950; Mo. Rev. Stat. Sections 67.1401 through 67.1571.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.

According to the Petition to Establish, "each director, during his or her term, shall meet the following requirements: (a) be a citizen of the United States of America;

(b) be a Missouri resident for at least one year prior to appointment to the Board;

(c) be at least 18 years of age; and

(d) be either an owner of real property within the District or their legally authorized representative ('Owner'), or an owner of a business operating within the District or their legally authorized representative ('Operator')" (Page 5). Successive directors "shall be appointed by the Mayor from a slate approved by the Directors and by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen" (Petition to Establish, page 6).

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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