Detention Facilities Oversight Board
Details about the Detention Facilities Oversight Board
An ordinance establishing a Detention Facility Oversight Board (DFOB) comprised of nine (9) city residents to serve as an advisory body to the Mayor, Commissioner of Corrections and the Director of Public Safety with regard to detention facility operations, conditions of detention, and Division of Corrections policies. The DFOB shall be authorized to receive complaints of alleged corrections misconduct and detention incidents, issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses or production of documents, and shall be granted access to city detention facilities upon request in order that it may obtain information and make findings and recommendations based thereon, including recommendations regarding Division of Corrections' policy and procedures, employee professional development, and employee disciplinary action.
Apply to Serve (6 openings)
View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
James Dahm, Jr. | Member | 01/20/2027 |
Ousmane Gaye | Member | 01/20/2027 |
Khanika Harper | Member | 01/20/2027 |
Darryl Gray | Chairperson |
Serving Beyond Term |
Pamela (Pam) Walker | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Ornetha Lewis-Walls | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
St. Louis City Ordinance 71430 Document
Board Duties and Purpose
A Detention Facility Oversight Board is hereby established, constituted and organized as an independent citizen advisory board that reflects the city’s diverse communities and authorized to review complaints and initiate and oversee criminal accountability Investigations and professional standards inquiries as provided herein and to the extent permitted by federal and Missouri state statutes and regulations, and the City’s Civil Service rules and regulations, and subject to the confidentiality and non-interference provisions of this Ordinance, and to make findings and recommendations based thereon, including recommendations for disciplinary action.
Member Requirements
Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.The DFOB shall be comprised of nine (9) members who shall be nominated by the Mayor or Chairperson of the Public Safety Committee as provided in this Ordinance and appointed to the DFOB by a vote of the Board of Aldermen.
Only individuals who can be fair, objective and act without bias or favor for complainants, detainees and employees should be nominated for appointment to the DFOB.
C. Nominating Authorities.
Six (6) of the members of the DFOB shall be nominated for appointment by the Mayor and three (3) members shall be nominated for appointment by the Chairperson of the Public Safety Committee.
D. Member Qualifications.
To be eligible to serve as a member of the DFOB individuals must possess the following qualifications and meet following requirements at the time of their nomination, and at all times during their service on the DFOB:
1) Must reside of the City of St. Louis.
2) Must be at least sixteen years of age as of the date of their nomination for appointment to the DFOB.
3) Must not hold or be a candidate for any elected public office.
4) Must not be an employee of the City of St. Louis or of the State of Missouri.
5) Must not have an immediate family member who is currently employed by the City of St. Louis Division of Police or the Division of Corrections.
6) Must not have been incarcerated in a state or federal correctional institution or penitentiary, or in a county or municipal detention facility following a criminal conviction in the 2-years immediately prior to their nomination to the DFOB or serving on parole or probation for a criminal conviction at the time of their nomination or at any time during their service on the DFOB.
7) Must not be employed or have a member of their immediate family who is employed by any local, state or federal law enforcement or corrections agency or by any entity conducting business in the corrections field or providing services to detention facilities.
8) Must have demonstrable experience, knowledge, or expertise in one of more of the following fields: corrections, law enforcement, financial management, law, medicine, public health, mental or behavioral health, social work, civil liberties advocacy, education, or other field equally relevant to the DFOB’s purpose and duties.
E. Attorney Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall be a retired or no longer practicing attorney who formerly practiced criminal law in the state of Missouri, or a judge who has retired from a Missouri state or municipal court, or federal court.
F. Corrections Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall have experience in the management, operations, or oversight of detention facilities, or possess particular knowledge or expertise in the field of corrections or criminal justice, provided, however; experience or particular knowledge or expertise in law enforcement shall not constitute corrections experience.
G. Law Enforcement Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall have professional experience in the field of law enforcement or possess knowledge or expertise in the field of law enforcement provided, however; military experience including military police experience, or particular knowledge or expertise in military law enforcement shall not constitute law enforcement experience.
H. Previously Incarcerated Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall have served a period of incarceration in a state or federal correctional institution or penitentiary, or in a county or municipal detention facility following a criminal conviction provided, however; such member shall not have been incarcerated in a state or federal correctional institution or penitentiary, or in a county or municipal detention facility following a criminal conviction in the two years immediately prior to being nominated for appointment to the DFOB and shall not be serving on parole or probation at the time of their nomination or at any time during their service on the DFOB.
I. Medical Professional Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall be a physician, physician’s assistant, licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, or equally qualified medical professional licensed to practice in the State of Missouri, and preferably with experience working as a health care professional in a detention or corrections facility or similar institutional setting.
J. Civil Liberties Advocate Member.
At least one member of the DFOB, who shall be nominated by the Mayor, shall be an employee or representative of a recognized civil liberties advocacy organization with a focus or significant experience in advocating for inmates’ Constitutional and human rights.
K. Age Sixteen to Twenty-Four Member.
At least one member of the DFOB shall be between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four years of age at the time of their nomination.
All DFOB members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms. No member shall serve on the DFOB for more than 2 consecutive three (3) year terms provided, however; an initial member appointed for a term of less than three years and members appointed to finish the unexpired term of another member shall be eligible to serve two consecutive, full three (3) year terms.
Vacancies on the DFOB occasioned by a member’s resignation, removal, expiration of their term, disqualification, or death or inability to serve shall be reported in writing by the DFOB to the Mayor, the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, and the Chairperson of the Board of Aldermen Public Safety Committee. Any vacancies shall be filled as provided in this Ordinance.
Appointments to fill vacancies not occasioned by the expiration of a member’s term shall be for the unexpired portion of the vacating member’s term.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile
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