Soldiers' Memorial Building Commission
Details about the Soldiers' Memorial Building Commission
The commission shall act in an advisory capacity in the management, control and use of the soldiers' memorial building, and shall draft such rules and regulations in connection therewith as necessary or desirable. The commission shall establish a schedule of charges for the use of the soldiers' memorial building, and may, at its discretion, exempt organizations from the payment of charges, either in whole or in part.
There are ten members on the board. The Mayor appoints five. Additionally, the mayor has one designee on the board.
Apply to Serve (2 openings)
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Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Jason Fletcher | Designee | 12/31/2027 |
Janeka Haden | Designee | 12/31/2027 |
Judith Hanses | Member | 12/31/2027 |
Lynnea Magnuson | Chairperson | 12/31/2027 |
Bret Narayan | Ex-Officio | 12/31/2027 |
Gilberto Pinela | Designee | 12/31/2027 |
LeVaughn Smart | Designee | 12/31/2027 |
Steve Wahle | Member | 12/31/2027 |
Freddie Dunlap | Designee |
Serving Beyond Term |
Corinne Bardgett | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
Ordinance 49189, Approved December 22, 1958
Ordinance 70120, Ordinance 64561, Ordinance 58593, Ordinance 48795, City Code Chapter 3.56 (Part III)
Rev. Mo. Stat. 112
Board Duties and Purpose
3.56.300 - Commission—Organization.
The mayor shall call a meeting of the commission, of which the superintendent of Soldiers Memorial shall be chairman. The chairman shall call the meeting to order and the first order of business shall be the election of any other officers from the membership of the commission as may be decided upon, to designate the time and place for the holding of its meetings and for the adoption of other by-laws as deemed necessary for the proper transaction of business. The mayor, comptroller, president of the board of alderman and director of public safety may designate others to represent them at meetings of the commission, with power to vote. (Ord. 58593 § 1, 1982: 1948 C. Ch. 54 § 14: 1960 C. § 112.020.)
3.56.310 - Commission—Duties.
The commission shall act in an advisory capacity in the management, control and use of the soldiers' memorial building, and shall draft such rules and regulations in connection therewith as necessary or desirable. The commission shall establish a schedule of charges for the use of the soldiers' memorial building, and may, at its discretion, exempt organizations from the payment of charges, either in whole or in part.
(1948 C. Ch. 54 § 15: 1960 C. § 112.030.)
3.56.320 - Superintendent.
There is hereby created within the Board of Public Service, in the Classified Service, the position Soldiers Memorial Superintendent who shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Public Service in accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII of the Charter. The Soldier's Memorial Superintendent shall be in general charge of the building, shall be chairman of the commission, and may appoint a secretary to the commission who need not be a member of the commission; provided that such secretary shall serve without remuneration and will not have a vote or a voice on the commission if not a member of the commission. (Ord. 64561 § 2, 1999: Ord. 58593 § 2, 1982: 1948 C. Ch. 54 § 16: 1960 C. § 112.040.)
3.56.330 - Budget.
The commission shall prepare and submit to the board of estimate and apportionment, through the Mayor, a budget for the operating expenses of the soldiers' memorial building. (1948 C. Ch. 54 § 17: 1960 C. § 112.050.)
3.56.340 - Acceptance of gifts and handling of revenues.
The superintendent of Soldiers Memorial, with the approval of the commission is authorized to accept gifts, contributions and grants for the benefit of the Soldiers Memorial, on behalf of the commission and in the name of the city of St. Louis. Such gifts, contributions and grants shall be used solely for the purposes indicated, and if in the form of money, shall be deposited into a special account by the comptroller. The comptroller shall draw warrants on said account only for the purposes of carrying out the terms and conditions of the gift, contribution or grant. Further, all monies collected from the use of the Soldiers Memorial building shall be deposited by the comptroller into this special account and shall be used solely for the benefit of Soldiers Memorial. The superintendent shall annually provide a written report to the commission detailing the source of all such gifts and the expenditures resulting therefrom. (Ord. 58593 § 3, 1982: 1948 C. Ch. 54 § 18: 1960 C. § 112.060.)
3.56.350 - Payment of accounts.
All accounts shall be paid by vouchers of the commission, prepared and authenticated by the signature of the chairman of the commission and such other officer as may be provided by its by-laws, and drawn by the comptroller on the treasurer of the city. (1948 C. Ch. 54 § 19: 1960 C. § 112.070.)
Member Requirements
3.56.290 - Commission—Established—Members.
There is established a soldiers' memorial building commission, to consist of ten members, as follows:
1. The Mayor
2. Comptroller
3. President of the Board of Aldermen
4. Director of Public Safety
5. Chairman of the Public Welfare committee of the Board of Aldermen; and five other citizens each representing a different veterans' organization to be appointed by the Mayor, one for a term ending on May 26, 1960, two for a term ending on May 26, 1961, and two for a term ending on May 26, 1962.
Thereafter, the appointments shall be for three years and until their successors have been appointed and qualified.
Members of the commission appointed before December 22, 1958, shall continue to serve until the expiration of the term for which they were appointed. In case of death or resignation the appointment of a successor shall be for the unexpired time.
Questions and Feedback
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Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
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