Hospitals, Board of

Details about the Hospitals, Board of


Board under the Department of Health & Hospitals

This board meets at the same time as the Board of Health and shall meet together upon call of the Director of Health and Hospitals.

The Board of Hospitals is comprised of eight (8) members appointed by the Mayor for a term of 4-years.

Apply to Serve (1 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 7 active board members (maximum 8)
Name Role End Date
Robert Gatter Member 02/28/2028
Brittany Jones Member 02/28/2028
Barbara Lutey Member 02/28/2028
April Mickens Jolly Member 02/28/2028
Morgan Shields Member 02/28/2028
Elizabeth Wright Member 02/28/2028
Melissa Tepe Member 04/19/2027

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 49101 (1958), City Charter Article XIII Section 14-C

Board Duties and Purpose

The board of hospitals shall advise the director of health and hospitals on matters relating to hospitals. The board shall meet not less than six (6) times a year to receive from the hospital commissioner a report on the activities and problems of his division since the next preceding meeting and such special reports as the board may request.

Member Requirements

There shall be a board of hospitals of eight (8) members appointed by the mayor for terms of 4-years, except that of the members first appointed, two shall be appointed for terms of 1-year, two for terms of 2-years, and two for terms of 3 years.

Three members of the board shall be regularly licensed practitioners of medicine or surgery, of which members two shall be appointed after consultation with the deans of medical schools whose faculties assist in making medical services available at city hospitals, and one shall be appointed after consultation with the St. Louis Medical Society. At least two non-medical members of the board shall have had at least 3-years' experience as a member of said board or of the governing board of an accredited general hospital.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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