Planning Commission

Details about the Planning Commission


The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of St. Louis, staffed by the Planning and Urban Design Agency (PDA). The PDA Executive Director shall oversee the administrative and technical work of the Planning and Urban Design Agency and the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission consists of thirteen (13) members, six (6) of which must be government representatives (ex-officio), and seven (7) of which must be citizen members appointed by the Mayor. No confirmation is required by the Board of Aldermen.
The Directors of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry; Public Safety; and Public Utilities and Streets shall serve as advisors to the Commission and attend meetings thereof.
Ex-officio members are voting members.
The Directors of the Departments of Parks, Recreation and Forestry; Public Safety; and Public Utilities and Streets shall serve as advisors to the Commission and attend the meetings thereof.

Apply to Serve (2 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 12 active board members (maximum 13)
Name Role End Date
Richard (Rich) Bradley P.E. Ex-Officio 01/01/2045
J. Tracy Boaz Member 07/09/2028
Stanley Fowler Member 07/09/2028
Daniel Hernandez Member 07/09/2028
Paul Hubbman Member 07/09/2028
Aaron Williams Member 07/09/2027
Jacob (Jake) Banton Member 07/09/2026
Shameem Clark-Hubbard Ex-Officio 04/20/2025
Shane Cohn Ex-Officio 04/20/2025
Leticia (Tia) Harrison Member 04/17/2025
Grace Kyung Member 04/17/2025
Christine Garmendia Member 07/04/2023
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 64925 (2000), Ordinance 64689 (1999), Ordinance 64687 (1999), Ordinance 57986 (1980), Ordinance 56708 (1974). City Code 3.48.060-3.48.220.

Board Duties and Purpose

1. Formally adopts plans as the official adopted plans for the City of St. Louis.
2. Acts as the Zoning Commission for the City of St. Louis by reviewing and recommending all zoning text and map changes, including Zoning Overlay Districts.
3. Reviews zoning including Zoning Overlay Districts (Form-Based Zoning Districts, CUP, PUD, SPD & SUD), redevelopment proposals and other proposed legislation for compliance with adopted plans.
4. Hears appeals of demolition decisions by the Preservation Board and recommends Landmarks to the Preservation Board.

Member Requirements

The Planning Commission consist of thirteen (13) members, seven (7) members must be citizens members and the following six (6) shall be city officials or their representatives:
A designee of the Mayor performing economic development activities on behalf of the City and reporting to the Mayor;
The President of the Board of Public Service;
A designee of the Comptroller;
A designee of the President of the Board of Aldermen; and
The Chairs of the Transportation and Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committees of the Board of
The remaining seven (7) members (citizen members) shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall have a demonstrated interest in City planning and development.
1. One (1) such citizen member shall be a registered architect,
2. One (1) shall be a practicing planner,
3. One (1) shall be a registered engineer,
4. One (1) shall be a registered landscape architect, and
5. One (1) shall have demonstrated expertise in transportation policy and/or planning.
6. Two (2) at Large.
All subsequently appointed citizen members shall serve for four (4) year terms.
Any vacancy in a membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment as aforesaid.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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