Board Bill Number 161 In Session 2016-2017

Intergovernmental agreement to fund discounted transit passes for those in need


BOARD BILL NO. 161 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN KREWSON An ordinance adopted pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement Act, Sections 70.210 to 70.325, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, and authorizing the City of St. Louis, by and through its Department of Human Services ("DHS") to enter into an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with the Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District (doing business as "Metro") for the purpose of appropriating funds for DHS to provide transit passes for certain persons in need, which passes DHS will acquire from Metro at a discounted rate, terms pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Ordinance, containing a severability clause and a governance clause.



Session: 2016-2017

Primary Sponsors: Lyda Krewson

Committee: Intergovernmental Affairs

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 10/14/2016

    First Reading

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