Board Bills In Session 2024-2025
Legislation introduced by Aldermen in the form of bills.
BB #: All
Board Bill | Sponsor | Ordinance |
BB 1 St. Louis City Annual Budget FY 2025 |
Megan E. Green | 71846 |
BB 2 The Wearing of Facial Coverings |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 3 Speed Humps on the 1200 Block of Montclair Avenue |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71849 |
BB 4 Speed Humps Various Locations in the 8th Ward |
Cara Spencer | 71850 |
BB 5 Speed Humps at Various Locations in the 11th Ward |
Laura Keys | 71851 |
BB 6 Four Way Stop at the Intersection of North Garrison Avenue and Locust Street |
Laura Keys | 71852 |
BB 7 Early Childhood Education Fund |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | |
BB 8 City Parks Leasehold Improvement Dedicated Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024 |
Pamela Boyd | 71853 |
BB 9 Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds |
Pamela Boyd | 71847 |
BB 10 Airport Revenue Bonds |
Shane Cohn | 71848 |
BB 11 Regulations for Attorney Access to City Correctional and Detention Facilities |
Alisha Sonnier | 71877 |
BB 12 Certain Persons Access to City Correctional and Detention Facilities |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71878 |
BB 13 Amending the Zoning Code to add Section 26.80.45 |
Shane Cohn | 71886 |
BB 14 Streamlining Food Truck Operations |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 15 Operating Hours of Marijuana Dispensaries |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71897 |
BB 16 Conditionally Vacating Poepping Street |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 17 Zoning Change 930 Sidney Street |
Cara Spencer | 71859 |
BB 18 Speed Humps 3600-4600 Blocks of Lee Avenue |
Laura Keys | 71854 |
BB 19 Speed Humps 4000 Block of Concordia Avenue |
Anne Schweitzer | 71855 |
BB 20 Number not used this session |
BB 21 TIP Projects-Construction for the Loughborough Ave. Bridge; Grand Drive Bridge and Traffic Management Enhancements Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. and 4th St. |
Laura Keys | 71858 |
BB 22 Two-Way Stop Sign at the Intersection of Lee Avenue and Cora Avenue and the intersection of Lee Avenue and Dryden Avenue |
Laura Keys | 71856 |
BB 23 Grant from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) |
Anne Schweitzer | 71857 |
BB 24 Airport Use and Lease Agreement (“AUA”) |
Shane Cohn | 71866 |
BB 25 Speed Humps various Locations in the 2nd Ward |
Tom Oldenburg | 71879 |
BB 26 Closure 5800 Block of Cates Aevnue at Hamilton Avenue |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71860 |
BB 27 Four-Way Stop Site at the Intersection of Grape Avenue and Tara Lane |
Pamela Boyd | 71861 |
BB 28 Speed Humps Various Locations 13th Ward |
Pamela Boyd | 71867 |
BB 29 FIngerprint Based Background Check Requirements |
Tom Oldenburg | 71868 |
BB 30 City Budget Process Ballot Measure |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71894 |
BB 31 St. Louis Works |
Anne Schweitzer | 71862 |
BB 32 Honorary Street Name “On Leong Way” |
Cara Spencer | 71863 |
BB 33 Minimum Standards to Improve the Availability of Highly Trained and Diverse Work Force |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 34 ARPA Funds Reallocations |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71864 |
BB 35 Speed Humps various Locations 14th Ward |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71869 |
BB 36 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 56729 and 56579 |
Cara Spencer | 71880 |
BB 37 Grand Center East Community Improvement District |
Laura Keys | 71906 |
BB 38 Stop Signs in Various Locations Within the 14th Ward. |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71870 |
BB 39 Speed Humps Various Blocks within the Seventh Ward |
Alisha Sonnier | 71865 |
BB 40 U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grant Program |
Pamela Boyd | 71871 |
BB 41 License Fee Per Occupied Room Per Day for Short Term Rental Properties |
Bret Narayan | 71881 |
BB 42 Temporary Easement 61 Ferry Street |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71872 |
BB 43 Senior Citizen Parking and Passenger Loading Zone |
Sharon Tyus | |
BB 44 Speed Humps 1600 Block of S. 9th Street |
Cara Spencer | 71890 |
BB 45 Parking Division’s Annual Budget |
Anne Schweitzer | 71873 |
BB 46 Number not used this session |
BB 47 Public Works and Improvement Program at the Airport |
Shane Cohn | 71874 |
BB 48 St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners Pay Bill |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71887 |
BB 49 Change the Honorary Designation of the 4400 block of Washington Boulevard from "Rev. James Brown Sr. Boulevard” to “Rev. James Brown Sr. Avenue.” |
Michael Browning | 71875 |
BB 50 Airport Interim Financing Program |
Shane Cohn | 71876 |
BB 51 Complete Streets |
Anne Schweitzer | 71882 |
BB 52 Delmar/Fountain Park Community Improvement District |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | |
BB 53 Stop Signs various Locations 7th Ward |
Alisha Sonnier | 71883 |
BB 54 Speed Humps Various Location in the 13th Ward |
Pamela Boyd | 71891 |
BB 55 Stop Signs Various Locations 1st Ward |
Anne Schweitzer | 71884 |
BB 56 Transportation Trust Fund” to the Bi-State Development Agency |
Shane Cohn | 71885 |
BB 57 City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE |
Shane Cohn | 71888 |
BB 58 City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO |
Shane Cohn | 71889 |
BB 59 3509 Cozens, St. Louis, Missouri 63106 |
Laura Keys | 71925 |
BB 60 City Charter Change Related to the City Counselor |
Bret Narayan | |
BB 61 City Charter Change to Create the Department of Transportation |
Michael Browning | 71895 |
BB 62 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 65094, and 64586 Related to the City Earnings Tax |
Sharon Tyus | |
BB 63 Board of Aldermen Committee Votes |
Daniela Velazquez | 71937 |
BB 64 Speed Humps Various Locations in the 13th Ward |
Pamela Boyd | 71892 |
BB 65 Redevelopment Plan for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area |
Laura Keys | 71898 |
BB 66 Restated Maintenance Cooperation Agreement, between the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever, Inc.; |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71893 |
BB 67 Speed Humps at Various Locations in the 9th Ward |
Michael Browning | 71899 |
BB 68 Speed Humps Various Locations in the 6th Ward |
Daniela Velazquez | 71907 |
BB 69 The Honorary Street Naming of “Michael O.D. Brown Way,” |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 70 Use of City Approved Mobile Electronic Devices |
Shane Cohn | 71900 |
BB 71 Charter Change Proposal Creating the Office of Public Advocacy |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 72 Proposed City Charter Change Removing Municipal Fine Limits |
Daniela Velazquez | 71896 |
BB 73 Proposed City Charter Change - Special Tax Bills |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 74 Property Tax Credit for Eligible Seniors |
Michael Browning | 71916 |
BB 75 Proposed City Charter Change - Changing Dates for Municipal and Special Elections |
Shane Cohn | |
BB 76 Proposed City Charter Changes - Updating Certain Language Usage in the Charter |
Shane Cohn | |
BB 77 Change to Article XXV, Section 1, of the Charter of the City of St. Louis |
Alisha Sonnier | |
BB 78 Conditional Vacation of an Alley bounded by the western 15 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 5043 as bounded by Arco Avenue, Taylor Avenue, Oakland Avenue and Kingshighway Boulevard |
Michael Browning | 71901 |
BB 79 Number not used this session |
BB 80 Prohibiting Street Takeovers |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 81 Installing Speed Humps on Various Blocks in the 1st Ward |
Anne Schweitzer | 71902 |
BB 82 Pay Bill - Circuit Attorney's Office |
Cara Spencer | 71905 |
BB 83 Three-Way Stop Site at the Intersection of Macklind Avenue and Milentz Avenue |
Tom Oldenburg | 71917 |
BB 84 Temporary Construction Easement |
Laura Keys | 71908 |
BB 85 Sale of 4052 Camelia Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri |
Laura Keys | |
BB 86 Redevelopment Plan for the 1105 Olive Redevelopment Area |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71926 |
BB 87 Installment of a 2 Way Stop Sign at the Intersection of Locust Street and North 17th Street |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71933 |
BB 88 Redevelopment Plan for the 1100 Veronica Ave. Redevelopment Area |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 89 Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE) Fund Program Grant |
Michael Browning | 71918 |
BB 90 Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) Grant |
Michael Browning | 71919 |
BB 91 Honorary Street Name “Freedom Way” |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71920 |
BB 92 renaming of the Civil Courts Building in Honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr. |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71921 |
BB 93 Number not used this session |
BB 94 Installment of Speed Humps in the 6100 Block of Kingsbury, the 300 and 400 Blocks of Des Peres Avenue, and the 1300 Block of Bayard Avenue. |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71903 |
BB 95 Adding City Offices to the List that Have Campaign Contribution Limits. |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71922 |
BB 96 Establishing a Custodian of Records for Public Governmental Bodies |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 97 Stop Site at the Intersection of Swan Avenue and Taylor Avenue |
Michael Browning | 71904 |
BB 98 St. Louis Integrated Health Network Award |
Pamela Boyd | 71909 |
BB 99 Sale of St. Louis Airport Property |
Shane Cohn | 71910 |
BB 100 Air Service Incentive Program |
Shane Cohn | 71911 |
BB 101 Air Service Incentive Program for Fiscal Year 2025 through Fiscal Year 2027 |
Shane Cohn | 71912 |
BB 102 The Downtown North Stl Community Improvement District |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71947 |
BB 103 Eliminate Certain Regulations for Barbershops |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71914 |
BB 104 Utility Coordination Policy |
Anne Schweitzer | 71943 |
BB 105 Illegal Discharge of Firearms |
Pamela Boyd | 71915 |
BB 106 Public Safety’s Project Safe Neighborhoods 2021 Program Grant |
Tom Oldenburg | 71913 |
BB 107 Amending Section 11.42.040 of Chapter 11.42 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 108 Industrial Development Bond Transaction to Facilitate a Sale |
Michael Browning | 71923 |
BB 109 “Tuskegee Airmen Way” |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71924 |
BB 110 Public Decency |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71934 |
BB 111 2023 Fire Prevention & Safety Grant |
Joseph Vollmer | 71927 |
BB 112 Conditionally Vacate Eighth Street, 60 ft wide, from Marion St. |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 113 Short Term Rentals |
Bret Narayan | 71940 |
BB 114 Amending Chapter 26 to Include Non-Traditional Housing/Special Residential Use |
Alisha Sonnier | 71928 |
BB 115 City of St. Louis 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, and 2025 Annual Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ( |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71929 |
BB 116 Speed Humps 5900-6000 Blocks of Horton Place |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71930 |
BB 117 Speed Humps 6900, 7300 - 7400 Sharp Avenue |
Anne Schweitzer | 71931 |
BB 118 Number not used this session |
BB 119 National Opioid Settlement Agreements |
Pamela Boyd | 71938 |
BB 120 Sale of 5937-47 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. |
Pamela Boyd | 71942 |
BB 121 Forest Park Southeast Parking District |
Michael Browning | 71935 |
BB 122 Rules for City Boards and Commissions |
Bret Narayan | |
BB 123 4-Way Stop Site at Locust and 22nd St. |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71932 |
BB 124 ARPA Fund Changes |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 125 Prevent and Remediate Mold |
Anne Schweitzer | 71946 |
BB 126 ARPA Funds Reallocation |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71936 |
BB 127 Resident-Initiated Traffic Calming System |
Michael Browning | |
BB 128 Living Wage Requirements |
Bret Narayan | 71948 |
BB 129 Four-Way Stop Klemm Street and McRee Avenue |
Alisha Sonnier | 71939 |
BB 130 Speed Humps 4200 Block of Folsom Avenue |
Alisha Sonnier | 71941 |
BB 131 Appropriation of a Portion of the Rams Settlement Funds |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 132 First Amendment to West and East Substations Lease Agreement with Union Electric dba Ameren Missouri |
Shane Cohn | 71954 |
BB 133 Laurel and Waterman Bridge |
Anne Schweitzer | 71944 |
BB 134 Pastor C.D. Wells Way |
Rasheen Aldridge | 71945 |
BB 135 Protections for Election Workers |
Alisha Sonnier | |
BB 136 Airport DSS Fund Transfer |
Shane Cohn | 71955 |
BB 137 Municipal Identification Card Program (Gateway Card) |
Daniela Velazquez | 71953 |
BB 138 Sale of City Property at 4606 St. Louis Avenue |
Sharon Tyus | |
BB 139 The industrial Development Revenue Bonds |
Michael Browning | 71956 |
BB 140 St. Louis Innovation District/RPA 4 Project - TIF |
Michael Browning | 71957 |
BB 141 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71949 |
BB 142 Restated Memorandum of Agreement between Southwest Airlines Co. and the City of St. Louis |
Shane Cohn | 71958 |
BB 143 Number not used this session |
BB 144 MODOT Highway Safety Grant for Driver’s Education for Low-income Students |
Laura Keys | 71950 |
BB 145 Lease Agreement SCF Fleeting, LLC and the City of St. Louis |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 146 Lease Agreement between the Continental Cement Company, L.L.C. and the City of St. Louis |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 147 Street Humps 6900 Block of Vermont Avenue |
Anne Schweitzer | 71959 |
BB 148 Stop Site Bowen Street and Livingston Drive |
Anne Schweitzer | 71951 |
BB 149 Stop Site at the Intersection of Hodiamont Avenue and the Hodiamont Tracks |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | 71952 |
BB 150 Dissolution of the Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 151 Speed Humps on the 3800 and 3900 blocks of Bowen Street |
Anne Schweitzer | 71960 |
BB 152 Soulard Community Improvement District (the “CID”) |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 153 Allocation Rams Settlement Funds |
Alisha Sonnier | |
BB 154 Prohibiting Commercial Semi-Trailer Trucks on Laclede’s Landing |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 155 Creation of a Diverse Construction Workforce |
Bret Narayan | |
BB 156 Unconditional Vacation of an East/West alley in City Block 974 |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 157 Danforth Campus Community Unit Plan Area |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | |
BB 158 Carondelet Commons Community Improvement District (the “CID”) |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 159 Third Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement between the City and Carondelet Broadway TIF, Inc. |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 160 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 161 Industrial Development Project for Anheuser – Busch, LLC. |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 162 Changes to Article VII, Section 1, Article VIII, Section 1, Article X, Section 1, and Article XIII of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, and Sections 5.14.080 through 5.14.120 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 163 Changing the Filing Fee of City Elected Offices |
Michael Browning | |
BB 164 Speed Humps in the 4400 Block of Washington Avenue |
Michael Browning | |
BB 165 Tax Increment Financing Plans Making Satisfactory Progress |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | |
BB 166 Development and Performance Agreement to assist Anders Minkler Huber & Helm LLP and the City of St. Louis |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 167 Local Public Health Agency Accreditation Assistance (LPHAAA) Grant |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 168 Dissolving Special Allocation Funds for Various Tax Increment Financing Areas |
Shameem Clark Hubbard | |
BB 169 Administrative Fines and Effective Code Enforcement for Vacant and Deteriorated Property |
Michael Browning | |
BB 170 Vacant Building Initiative Fund |
Daniela Velazquez | |
BB 171 Collection Methods |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 172 Development Plan 1128 Washington Ave |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 173 Annual City Pay Bill |
Cara Spencer | |
BB 174 Annual Pay Bill Recorder of Deeds Office |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 175 Annual Pay Bill Treasurer’s Office |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 176 Annual Pay Bill Collector of Revenue’s Office |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 177 Annual Pay Bill Parking Division |
Anne Schweitzer | |
BB 178 Annual Pay Bill Sheriff’s Office |
Rasheen Aldridge | |
BB 179 Annual Pay Bill Circuit Attorney Office |
Laura Keys | |
BB 180 Annual Pay Bill Medical Examiner’s Office |
Pamela Boyd | |
BB 181 Prohibiting the sale of Products Containing Intoxicating cannabinoids |
Shane Cohn | |
BB 182 Annual Pay Bill Board of Elections |
Daniela Velazquez |
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