Board Bill Number 162 In Session 2016-2017

Loan agreement to fund Energy Loan Program


BOARD BILL NO. 162 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN BOSLEY, Sr. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Comptroller and the Director of Streets, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Loan Agreement and other documents required by the Loan Agreement with the Missouri Department of Economic/Division of Energy ("DED/DE") to fund an Energy Loan Program ("Program"), further appropriating an amount not to exceed Twelve Million ($12,000,000.00) Dollars from the Capital Improvement Fund, authorizing the Comptroller and the Director of Streets, on behalf of the City, to expend such appropriated funds by entering into contracts or otherwise, establishing and maintaining an Energy Loan Conservation Account, authorizing and directing the reimbursement funds from the Program to be deposited and credited to the Capital Improvement Funds, to make applications, provide data, and to take any and all actions necessary to seek further funds from the State of Missouri under the Program, and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.



Session: 2016-2017

Primary Sponsors: Freeman M Bosley Sr.

Ordinance: 70396 effective 11/23/2016

Committee: Streets, Traffic and Refuse

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 10/14/2016

    First Reading

  • 10/28/2016

    Second Reading

  • 11/04/2016


  • 11/10/2016

    Third Reading


11/10/2016 Vote Results

Aye Votes 20
No Votes 0
Final Passage Vote

View vote details


Ordinance Number: 70396

Effective Date: 11/23/2016

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