Board Bill Number 51 In Session 2020-2021
Designating the Parking Commissioner as chairperson of the Parking Commission
The proposed Board Bill would amend Section 1 of Ordinance 62101, codified in Chapter 17.62.010 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of St. Louis to: The proposed Board Bill would amend Section 1 of Ordinance 62101, codified in Chapter 17.62.010 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of St. Louis to: designate the Parking Commissioner as chairperson of the Parking Commission; designate the Parking Commission as the City's authority responsible for overseeing public parking; establish the duties and responsibilities of the parking commission; and to establish the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer as the supervisor of parking meters. ; designate the Parking Commission as the City's authority responsible for overseeing public parking; establish the duties and responsibilities of the parking commission; and to establish the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer as the supervisor of parking meters.
- Introduced (404.30 KB PDF)
Session: 2020-2021
Primary Sponsors: Jeffrey L Boyd
Ordinance: 71204 effective 07/24/2020
Committee: Streets, Traffic and Refuse
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Third Reading
Second Reading
07/08/2020 Vote Results
Ordinance Number: 71204
Effective Date: 07/24/2020
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