Board Bill Number 154 In Session 2023-2024

Repeals Sections 11.60.250, 11.60.200, and 11.60.250 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances


The proposed bill repeals Sections 11.60.250, 11.60.200, and 11.60.250 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances, to update the definition of "controlled substance" and define the term "narcotic drug", to prohibit the possession of "controlled substances" and "narcotic drugs," the consumption of "controlled substances" and "narcotic drugs," and prohibiting the sale and transfer of "controlled substances" and "narcotic drugs" with exceptions for marijuana. The proposed bill also prohibits smoking marijuana on public property.


Latest Bill text:


Session: 2023-2024

Introduced: 11/03/2023

Primary Sponsors: Tom Oldenburg

Latest Activity: Committee Assignment

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