Board Bill Number 274 In Session 2009-2010
City CMT Lease
BOARD BILL NO. 274 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN APRIL FORD GRIFFIN An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller to lease certain land and mooring rights on the Unimproved Wharf lying within the following boundaries: A portion of the unimproved wharf bounded on the north by the eastward prolongation of the north curb of Branch Street, on the east by the Mississippi River, on the south by a line 842 feet north of and parallel to the south line of Brooklyn Street, and on the west by that portion of the unimproved wharf situated east of the right-of-way of the Flood Control Project. Also, Four Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Linear Feet (4,150 L.F.) of mooring privileges south of the eastward prolongation of the north curb of Branch Street, 50 feet wide.
- Introduced (56.70 KB PDF)
Session: 2009-2010
Primary Sponsors: April Ford-Griffin
Ordinance: 68572 effective 03/23/2010
Committee: Transportation and Commerce
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Ordinance Number: 68572
Effective Date: 03/23/2010
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