Board Bill Number 122 In Session 2010-2011

Employees Retirement System regarding sick leave


BOARD BILL 122 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN GREGALI An Ordinance pertaining to the Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis (the "Retirement System"); repealing Subsection 13 of Section Four and Subsection 1 of Section Six of Ordinance 66511 and enacting in lieu thereof new provisions freezing the amount of sick leave that can be taken into account in calculating the pension benefits of current members and prohibiting the use of sick leave or medical leave in calculating the pension benefits of future members hired after the effective date of this Ordinance; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.



Session: 2010-2011

Primary Sponsors: Stephen Gregali

Ordinance: 68712 effective 07/09/2010

Committee: Public Employees

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 07/02/2010

    First Reading

  • 07/02/2010

    Second Reading

  • 07/09/2010


  • 07/09/2010

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 68712

Effective Date: 07/09/2010

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