Board Bill Number 30 In Session 2011-2012

Excess payments on water bill


BOARD BILL NO. 30 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID AND ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON An ordinance relating to excess payments designated by any person, firm or corporation on any water bill, personal property tax bill, real estate tax bill or other bill in the City of St. Louis which is designated by ordinance for a City of St. Louis asset, services provided by the City of St. Louis, or for a non-profit entity; minimum amount required annually for non-profit agencies; maximum number of non-profit agencies; and disposition of designated excess payments.



Session: 2011-2012

Primary Sponsors: Craig N Schmid

Ordinance: 69118 effective 04/28/2012

Committee: Ways and Means


Lyda Krewson

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 04/29/2011

    First Reading

  • 03/09/2012

    Second Reading

  • 03/16/2012


  • 03/16/2012

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 69118

Effective Date: 04/28/2012

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