Board Bill Number 167 In Session 2011-2012
Intergovernmental agreement
BOARD BILL# 167 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN JENNIFER FLORIDA, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID, Alderman Frank Williamson, Alderman Joseph Vaccaro, Alderwoman Carol Howard An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Amendment with Madison County, Illinois; Monroe County, Illinois; St. Clair County; Illinois; St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department; Franklin County, Missouri; Jefferson County, Missouri; Jefferson County 911 Dispatch Board; St. Charles County, Missouri; and St. Louis County, Missouri regarding Regional interoperability in connecting the P-25-700/800 MHz radio systems through a digital radio microwave system linking the City of St. Louis, Missouri; St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department; Franklin County, Missouri; Jefferson County Missouri; Jefferson County 911 Dispatch Board; St. Charles County, Missouri; and St. Louis County, Missouri with Madison County, Illinois; Monroe County, Illinois; and St. Clair County, Illinois to the two regional network controllers and the Starcom-21 Network controller, and containing an emergency clause.
- Introduced (96.90 KB PDF)
Session: 2011-2012
Primary Sponsors: Jennifer Florida
Ordinance: 69005 effective 10/26/2011
Committee: Intergovernmental Affairs
Carol Howard, Craig N Schmid, Joseph Vaccaro, Frank Williamson
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Ordinance Number: 69005
Effective Date: 10/26/2011
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