Board Bill Number 214 In Session 2011-2012

Zoning Fees legislation


BOARD BILL NO. 214 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN ALFRED WESSELS, JR. An Ordinance recommended by the City of St. Louis Planning Commission pertaining to fees related to services provided by the Zoning Section of the Building Division of the Department of Public Safety; repealing and amending portions of Section Twenty-One of Ordinance 59979, codified as §§26.80.010(C)(2), 26.80.050(D), 26.80.060(E) of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis 1994 as amended and supplemented (hereafter ?Revised Code?); repealing and amending portions of Section Two of Ordinance 63299, codified as §26.80.070(B) and (G) of the Revised Code; amending a part of Section Two of Ordinance 64654, codified as §26.84.040(B) of the Revised Code; repealing and amending a part of Section Twenty-Four of Ordinance 59979, codified as §26.92.020 of the Revised Code; and repealing and amending Section Twenty-Five of Ordinance 59979, codified as §26.96.040 of the Revised Code; adding a new chapter for fees related to services provided by the Zoning Section; including a severability and an emergency clause.



Session: 2011-2012

Primary Sponsors: Fred Wessels Jr.

Ordinance: 69084 effective 03/13/2012

Committee: Housing, Urban Development and Zoning

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 11/04/2011

    First Reading

  • 01/20/2012

    Second Reading

  • 01/27/2012


  • 02/03/2012

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 69084

Effective Date: 03/13/2012

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