Board Bill Number 110 In Session 2015-2016
Ordinance concerning licensing and regulating of businesses
BOARD BILL NO. 110 SPONSORED BY ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance concerning the licensing and regulating of business avocations, professions, trades, and callings including Arcades, Auctions and Auctioneers, Barbers, Bathhouses, Bed and Breakfast Establishments, Billiard and Pool Rooms, Bottle Registration, Commission Merchants and Merchandise Brokers, Dance Halls, Dance Studios, Detective Agencies, Embalmers, Employment Agencies, Horse-Drawn Vehicles, Information Date Bureaus, Insurance Adjustors, Massage Therapists and Massage Facilities, Miniature Pony Tracks, Motor Buses, Motor Carrier Transportation Brokers, Pawnbrokers, Photographers, Private Security Personnel, Public Photographic Studios, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, Second Hand Dealers, Service Stations, Small Entrepreneurs, Small Manufacturers, Stockyards, Sales Stables, and Cattle Dealers, Street Railways, Tattoo Parlors, Taxicabs and Service Cars, Theaters, Shows and Other Public Amusements, Ticket Brokers, Towel Supply Companies, Undertakers, Vault Cleaners, Miscellaneous Vocations, the Location and Operation of Certain Businesses, Underage Nightclubs, and obtaining and revoking business licenses and permits, by amending and repealing certain sections within Title 8 of the Revised Code of the City of Saint Louis and enacting a new ordinance covering the same subject matter, and containing a savings provision, and a severability provision.
- Introduced (30.71 KB PDF)
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