Board Bill Number 92 Votes In Session 2020-2021

Closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI)

Board Bill

This Board Bill, in accordance with Article XXV Section 1 of the St. Louis City Charter, and upon being recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, amend the duties of the Division of Corrections and Department of Health & Hospitals. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to begin the process of closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI), also known as the Workhouse, as a detainee center. This Board Bill would direct the Board of Public Service and the Commissioner of Corrections to evaluate the City Justice Center to determine if more detainees could safely be held there and to perform a study of the Medium Security Institution to determine the feasibility of repurposing and to evaluate the ongoing costs of any plan to permanently close the facility. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to contact surrounding facilities to determine the per day cost of outsourcing the housing detainees in St. Louis City custody; a requirement for the Department of Personnel to interview corrections officers of the workhouse for open positions in city government. It requires the Department of Health to develop criteria for the hiring of social workers to be assigned to detainees with mental health issues and their families, and to be employees of a newly formed Division of Recidivism Reduction. This board Bill would create a fund to be allocated to neighborhoods with high violent crime rates to be appropriated annually through neighborhood participatory budgeting process; upholding the City’s statutory requirement to detain individuals remanded to the City of St. Louis through the court system. It would direct the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to provide data as requested by the Board of Aldermen or any department or division of City Government facilitating the closure of the Medium Security Institution facility. It would also direct the Budget Director to analyze the net cost savings to the general fund if MSI is no longer operated as a detainee facility; and it contains an emergency clause.

View Board Bill 92 details

07/17/2020 Final Passage Vote Results

Aye 27
No 0
Final Passage Vote
Ward Alderman Position
1 Sharon Tyus Aye
3 Brandon Bosley Aye
4 Dwinderlin Evans Aye
5 Tammika Hubbard Aye
6 Christine Ingrassia Aye
7 Jack Coatar Aye
8 Annie Rice Aye
9 Dan Guenther Aye
10 Joseph Vollmer Aye
12 Vicky Grass Aye
13 Beth Murphy Aye
14 Carol Howard Aye
15 Megan E Green Aye
16 Tom Oldenburg Aye
17 Joseph D Roddy Aye
18 Jesse Todd Aye
19 Marlene E Davis Aye
20 Cara Spencer Aye
21 John Collins-Muhammad Aye
22 Jeffrey L Boyd Aye
23 Joseph Vaccaro Aye
24 Bret Narayan Aye
25 Shane Cohn Aye
26 Shameem Clark Hubbard Aye
27 Pamela Boyd Aye
28 Heather Navarro Aye
President Lewis E Reed Aye
2 Lisa Middlebrook Did Not Vote
11 Sarah Martin Absent

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