Ordinances by Topic Employment Rights and Regulations

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 7 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
70847 City Whistleblower Law,
– An ordinance repealing Ord. 70475 and in lieu Thereof enacting a new Ordinance to be known as the City Whistleblower Law, pertaining to reporting improper governmental action and providing protection from retaliatory action for reporting and cooperating in the investigation and/or prosecution of improper governmental action; containing definitions, procedures for reporting improper governmental action and retaliation, and penalties; and containing severability and emergency clauses.
70791 Civil Service employees Compensation Bill.
An ordinance to regulate employer and employee working relationships between the City and all employees under the Classified Service, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan; repealing Ordinance 70285; allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause.
70768 Budget Fiscal Year 2018-2019; and containing an emergency clause.
Budget Fiscal Year 2018-2019; and containing an emergency clause.
70475 Whistleblower ordinance
BOARD BILL NO.220 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An Ordinance to be known as the City of St. Louis Whistleblower Law, pertaining to reporting improper governmental action and providing protection from retaliatory action for reporting and cooperating in the investigation and/or prosecution of improper governmental action; containing definitions, procedures for reporting improper governmental action and retaliation, and penalties; and containing a severability clause.
70459 Ordinance regarding pregnancy and reproductive health decisions as protected classes
BOARD BILL NO. 203 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN AND ALDERMEN AND ALDERWOMEN INGRASSIA, CARTER, SPENCER, AND COHN An ordinance to prohibit discrimination based on a person’s reproductive health decisions or pregnancy; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70340 Amending Civil Service Ordinance
BOARD BILL NO. 89 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON An ordinance to amend Ordinance 70285 by removing Section 29 of Ordinance 70285, providing an effective date and including an emergency clause.
70336 Ordinance relating to Office of Recorder of Deeds
BOARD BILL NO. 99 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ An ordinance relating to the employees and salaries of the Office of the Recorder of Deeds; repealing Ordinances #69192 approved pertaining to the Office of the Recorder of Deeds and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter and containing an emergency clause.

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