Ordinances by Topic Local Government Records

Ordinances tagged with this topic

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Ordinance #: Title Effective
71742 Amending Ordinance Number 70794 2018 International Building Code
The proposed bill amends Section Two of Ordinance Number 70794, adopting 2018 International Building Code with amendments, by the addition of a new subsection, subsection 119.3.3, to authorize the Building Commissioner to take steps to secure vacant buildings or structures of five-hundred thousand (500,000) or more square feet which pose significant, extensive concerns to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the public, to prevent their entry and occupancy including but not limited to the use of steel barriers or plates and engaging the services of a security services provider, with the cost of any such measures being paid for by the owner of the building or structure.
70956 An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of St. Louis, Missouri authorizing and directing The City of St. Louis, Missouri (as further defined herein, the “City”) to issue and sell its general obligation bonds in
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of St. Louis, Missouri authorizing and directing The City of St. Louis, Missouri (as further defined herein, the “City”) to issue and sell its general obligation bonds in various series, (as further defined herein, the “Bonds”), in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $40,000,000 (of which no more than $6,000,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued annually) for the purpose of stabilizing, within the limits described in the City’s Proposition NS (Neighborhood Stabilization) Ordinance
70781 An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits;
An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits; amending Ordinance 70357 Sections 1 and 3, and repealing Section 4 of said ordinance, to acknowledge newly passed State of Missouri maximum limits on campaign contributions and to decrease maximum limits on campaign contributions for local elections as provided herein.
70581 Ordinance requiring reporting on solitary confinement
BOARD BILL NO. 9 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance requiring the corrections commissioner to post a quarterly report on the City’s Division of Corrections website regarding administrative segregation of inmates at city detention centers; and containing a severability and an emergency clause.

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