Resolution Number 47 In Session 2024-2025

Condemning Washington University Approach to Peaceful Demonstrators


NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that we, the members of the City of St. Louis Board of Aldermen, reiterate our support for a permanent bilateral ceasefire to end the violent killings of civilians; and, be it further resolved that we condemn the extreme and punitive actions taken by Washington University in St. Louis Administrators and the role they have played in the mass arrests of students, barring them from University housing, and stifling their access to higher education; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE that the St. Louis Board of Aldermen urges Washington University Administrators to reevaluate their approach to addressing peaceful protestors; and, be it further resolved that the St. Louis Board of Aldermen urges Washington University Administrators to dismiss all charges against students and faculty members, and restore their campus access from Washington University's Danforth Campus for exercising their First Amendment rights.


Latest resolution text:


Session: 2024-2025

Introduced: 05/17/2024

Sponsor: Primary Sponsors: Alisha Sonnier

Latest Activity: Committee Assignment


Daniela Velazquez

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Proposed Committee Substitute for Resolution Number 47. This has not been adopted. Res47CS WU Protests Sonnier.pdf 136.74 KB

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