Loretta Hiner

Housing Analyst, Senior

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Loretta Hiner is the Affordable Housing Commission's Senior Housing Analyst. Ms. Hiner is responsible for the underwriting and oversight of construction projects expanding affordable housing using Trust Fund dollars. During her tenure, Ms. Hiner has managed investments of more than $28 million into 184 affordable single-family homes and 1,583 affordable apartments in the City of St. Louis. Ms. Hiner works with developers and organizations throughout all stages of the planning and construction to lease-up and sale of affordable housing. She is committed to ensuring Trust Fund dollars are invested in affordable homes that build resilient individuals, strengthen neighborhoods, and yield economic, social and community gains.

Contact Information

Email: HinerL@stlouis-mo.gov

Phone: (314) 657-3880
Fax: (314) 613-7015

1520 Market Street, Suite #2080
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103

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