Board of Aldermen recognizes 9th Annual Sista Strut

Members of the Board of Aldermen came together to celebrate the annual Sista Strut Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Downtown St. Louis.

October 10, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on October 10, 2018.

2018 Sista Strut

For several years, Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed, along with fellow colleagues from the Board of Aldermen, have come together to celebrate the annual Sista Strut Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Downtown St. Louis.

The 9th annual Sista Strut 3k Breast Cancer Awareness Walk was held on Saturday, Sept. 6. Sista Strut is the largest walk of its kind in the nation to support women of color battling breast cancer. This year, the event saw a record-breaking turn out of more than 8,000 participants.

“The awareness that Sista Strut brings is vital against the fight against breast cancer. I am proud to be a part of these efforts,” said Reed. 

The goal of Sista Strut is to heighten awareness about the issues of breast cancer, especially in women of color, as well as provide information on community resources and educate others. In fact, studies have shown that African-American women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age and have a higher death rate from breast cancer that is twice of Caucasian women of the same age.

Read the Resolution honoring 2018 Sista Strut here.

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