Alderman Pamela Boyd

Pamela Boyd represents Ward 13 for the 2024-2025 legislative session.


Pamela Boyd represents Ward 13 for the 2024-2025 legislative session. Learn more about Ward 13.

Contact Information


Phone: (314) 622-3287

Fax: (314) 622-4273

Social media:

City Hall, Room 230, 1200 Market Street
St. Louis, Mo 63103

Constituent Services

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Committee Memberships

As Ward 13 Alderman

Legislative Activity

Activity for 2024-2025 legislative session


Ms. Pamela Boyd serves as the representative for the 13th Ward, overseeing nine (9) communities. With over 50 years of experience as a Certified Dietary Manager and an Associate Degree in Accounting, Ms. Boyd possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise in her field. Her primary objectives include promoting environmental safety, ensuring equitable justice for the city, and providing the best possible service to her community.

Rather than concentrating solely on what she can do for her community, Ms. Boyd aims to empower her constituents to take charge of their ward. She acknowledges the pervasive lack of hope, cynicism, and apathy among residents and seeks to equip them with honest and realistic information.

Ms. Boyd focuses on improving the environment via the Sanitation and Beautification Committee, promoting safety through the Safety Committee, supporting education via the Education Committee, and providing assistance to those in need through the Housing Committee and Voter Empowerment Committee. By establishing these committees, residents can have a voice in decisions that impact their communities.

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