2023 Substantial Amendment CDBG CV
The City is submitting this Substantial Amendment to its 2019 Annual Action Plan. This document describes program and funding amendments as proposed by the CDA or funding received by the City of St. Louis pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.
Publication Date: 03/07/2023
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Community Development Administration
In accordance with Title 24 Section 91.505 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act of March 27, 2020, H.R.748, and other HUD directives, the City of St. Louis is submitting this Substantial Amendment to its 2019 Annual Action Plan. This document describes program and funding amendments as proposed by the Community Development Administration (CDA) or funding received by the City of St. Louis pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act of March 27, 2020, H.R.748 (the “CARES Act”), specifically Community Development Block Grant funding in response to the coronavirus for CDA (“CDBG-CV”) programs.
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