Affordable Housing Production: Rental and For Sale

Sponsor: Community Development Administration
Procurement Type: Notice of Funding Availability

Starting Date: 01-29-2024
Closing Date: 07-21-2024
Closing Time: 11:41 AM


This NOFA announces the availability of funding from the City of St. Louis
Community Development Administration (CDA) to facilitate the new construction
or rehabilitation of residential or mixed-use development projects, and provide
homeownership assistance to homebuyers purchasing city subsidized homes.
This NOFA only applies to developments located within the City of St. Louis.
Bonus points will be awarded for developing CDA-assisted and Land
Reutilization Authority (LRA) owned properties.

The City of St. Louis receives an annual allocation of Community Development
Block Grant funds (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships funds (HOME)
from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDA
administers these programs for the City in an effort to expand the supply of
quality affordable housing and to stabilize City neighborhoods through the
remediation of blighted areas.

CDBG and HOME Funds may be utilized to assist with development gap
subsidy, bridge loan financing, and homebuyer assistance to insure affordability.

The CDA Spring 2024 NOFA hereby solicits applications for residential
development of affordable rental and for-sale homes: CDA intends to award up to $6,000,000 in Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds.

NOFA Release Date:
January 29, 2024

LRA Inspections End:
April 8, 2024

Preliminary Design Review Ends:
April 15, 2024

Application Deadline:
April 30, 2024

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