Access Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services

Information on how to access city-sponsored health and disease management programs for elderly City residents.

Call (314) 657-1670


SLAAA offers a number of disease prevention and health promotion programs for seniors living in the City. Find out how to take part in these programs below.


Review the list of programs and classes offered and decide what you're interested in.


To sign up for classes, call the Health Care Coordinator. When you call, a staff member will provide you with information about the duration and location of each program and help you sign up.

Call (314) 657-1670


The classes are free.


What to Expect

Examples of program durations and locations include:

  • Chronic Disease Self-Management is a 7-week online class and 6-week face-to-face version. Participants meet once a week for 2.5 hours.
  • Tai Chi meets twice a week for one hour per class.
  • Matter of Balance meets once a week for 2 hours.



St. Louis Area Agency on Aging

(314) 612-5918

1520 Market, Room 4086
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

Contact the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging

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