Participate in the Senior Minor Home Repair Program

Volunteers provide minor home repairs for senior citizens (60 years of age or older) living in their own home in the City of St. Louis.

Call (314) 612-5918


The SLAAA Minor Home Repair program includes repairing heating and cooling systems in the home, basic plumbing and electrical work, minor home repairs to both the interior and exterior of the home, and basic home modifications to include ramps, handrails, grab bars, etc.



  1. To participate in the program seniors need to provide:
    • proof of home ownership, or
    • a current paid real estate property tax receipt.
  2. Call the SLAAA phone number below to participate.

Call (314) 612-5918


For contracted services, clients may have to bear some cost depending on the work involved.


What to Expect

When you call, the SLAAA representative will put you in touch with a referring agency, which will help you schedule the work.



St. Louis Area Agency on Aging

(314) 612-5918

1520 Market, Room 4086
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

Contact the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging

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