Request an API Key

Tell us about yourself and how your application will use the City's API(s).

An API key is needed to access the City's APIs. Tell us about yourself and how you'll be using the API(s) in your application, and we'll get back to you.

Application Info

What does it do? Who is it for?

Contact Info

No spam, but we may contact you about API status changes, planned outages, method changes, API key status changes, or TOS changes.

Terms of Service

Use of the City of St. Louis APIs are subject to the following terms:

  • City of St. Louis can not be held liable for the accuracy or availability of the service provided and do not make any claims to accuracy, completeness, availability, or any other warranty or guarantee.
  • When using a City of St. Louis API, attribution is appreciated but not required. Implication or claim of endorsement is strictly prohibited.
  • Usage of a City of St. Louis API depends upon an API key which should only be used by the individual/organization which requested it. Sharing or distribution of API keys is not permitted.
  • Usage is currently not limited, but excessive usage is monitored and may be grounds for the usage caps or termination of service. If you plan to make heavy use of a City of St. Louis API please contact us beforehand so we can be sure.
  • Do not use a City of St. Louis API for bulk submissions. Please contact us if this is a requirement.
  • These terms may be modified at any time. Registered users will be notified of changes via the email address on file.
  • Service may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the City of St. Louis.

Spam Prevention

Required, to prove you're not a spam bot
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