Record of Decision: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Chooses City of St. Louis Site to Construct $1.75 Billion Facility
Record of Decision from NGA declares the City of St. Louis as the location to build its new NGA West.
This article is 9 years old. It was published on June 2, 2016.

ST. LOUIS -- The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has issued its Record of Decision, declaring the City of St. Louis as the location to build its new NGA West.
NGA Director Robert Cardillo confirmed the decision to Mayor Francis Slay in a meeting late this afternoon. Mayor Slay issued the following statement in response:
"I could not be more pleased with the plans Director Cardillo shared about the NGA's future in the City of St. Louis. I am certain that the construction of a state-of-the-art intelligence agency in north St. Louis will have an immense impact. The NGA has expressed its commitment to connecting with its new community, partnering with local schools, creating a campus seamlessly integrated with the neighborhood, and working with us on surrounding development.
We are very proud of the work the Agency and its 3,100 employees have done from our City for the past 72 years and now will continue to do so for decades to come. This decision is a victory for urban America. The many benefits to the future of both St. Louis and NGA are immeasurable, promising and exciting."
In March, Director Cardillo issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which outlined why the Agency preferred the City's site for building a 21st-century campus. Reasons include:environmental, cost and policy advantages;partnerships with universities and innovative, technology-based companies; the ability to recruit new talent based on the environment the City offers;and proximity to its data facilities and current and future workforce.
Now that the decision is final, the City invites the community to engage in the design for the future of the neighborhood and begin finalizing property acquisition, which includes physically moving one resident's home to a nearby lot. Project Connect action planning will begin on Monday, June 6, 2016.
The St. Louis Development Corporation is responsible for clearing the site to deliver to the NGA in late 2017. The City will hold an Industry Forum for members of the local construction trades on Tuesday, June 7, 2016.
The NGA is expected to begin building its new facility in 2017 to move its 3,100 employees from its current facility near Soulard. As outlined in the final edition briefing book, the City of St. Louis location is a well-connected, 99-acre urban site at the intersection of N. Jefferson and Cass Avenues. The Next NGA West video highlights how St. Louis will continue to help the NGA meet its mission, just as it has done for the past 72 years.
The proposed NGA site is located within a federally-designated Promise Zone and Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) initiative.
Mayor Slay recognizes the unified team that was responsible for moving this project forward: Governor Jay Nixon and the Missouri Legislature; US Senators Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt; US Representatives Lacy Clay and Ann Wagner; St. Louis Alderwoman Tammika Hubbard and the Board of Aldermen; Comptroller Darlene Green; St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger and the County Council; the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) and the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership; Northside Regeneration; Jeff Aboussie and local labor unions; members of the Clergy Coalition;and many other political, community and business leaders -- chief among them SLDC Director Otis Williams, Chief of Staff Mary Ellen Ponder and the talented team they lead.
Contact Information:
Office of the Mayor
St. Louis Development Corporation
Land Acquisition, Reutilization, and Development