Nominate a Building for Stabilization
Learn how to nominate LRA-owned residential buildings for stabilization
Begin online: /government/departments/sldc/real-estate/prop-ns/prop-ns-nomination-form.cfm
On This Page
To nominate a property for Prop NS stabilization, the nominator and the property must be eligible:
- Eligible nominators are city residents, neighborhood organizations, and owners of property within the City.
- Eligible buildings are residential properties, no more than 6 units, and owned by the City's Land Reutilization Authority (LRA). If an LRA owned property has a pending offer or option, it will be considered ineligible and will be reevaluated when the pending status expires.
Nomination Process
Prop NS staff inspects each eligible nomination and prepares a report and scorecard for the Stabilization Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC then makes a recommendation to the Board of the Land Reutilization Authority, and the Board votes to fund or withhold funding for each property. All nominations will receive a public response (and if approved, ongoing status updates) on our Prop NS Nominations page.
To nominate a vacant, LRA-owned building for Prop NS stabilization, please follow the guidelines below.
Ownership Status
Prop NS can only stabilize properties owned by the LRA. To find out if a vacant building is LRA owned, use the LRA Property Search page, the City's Address & Property Search page, or download the current LRA Available Properties list.
If the property is NOT in the LRA inventory, and you would like to report a bad condition to the City, contact the Citizens' Service Bureau.
Prior Nominations
Before nominating a building, please check our Prop NS Nominations page to see if the property has been nominated before. Multiple nominations will not increase the likelihood or expediency of building stabilization.
Please prepare the following information, then follow the link below to begin online.
- Property address as it is identified in the LRA Inventory Search.
- Brief description of the property condition.
- Full contact information of the organization or individual submitting the nomination.
- Personal information will not be disclosed publicly, and is only used by the program administrators to verify eligibility.
- Optional: letters of support for stabilization of the property to be nominated. Letters can be uploaded through the confirmation page, which is displayed immediately following the completion of the online nomination. Letters can be from neighbors, block units, neighborhood associations, other community-based organizations, the alderpersons, etc.
Begin online: /government/departments/sldc/real-estate/prop-ns/prop-ns-nomination-form.cfm
What to Expect
Property Analysis and Selection
Prop NS staff and inspectors from the City’s Building Division will use a simple and transparent analysis and rating system to determine which buildings will be selected for stabilization, which includes objective structural analysis criteria informed by national best practices and with the assistance of the Cultural Resources Office (CRO), Planning and Urban Design Agency (PDA), other applicable City agencies, and local stakeholders.
Once buildings have been determined to be eligible for consideration, selection of buildings for stabilization will be based on this community-informed rating system, which includes the following criteria:
- building condition (25% of the total score);
- block conditions (37.5% of the total score);
- neighborhood factors, such as whether it's in a Promise Zone or Opportunity Zone or has an adopted neighborhood plan, or demonstrated community support in the form of support letters (12.5% of the total score);
- proximity to amenities and/or services, such as parks, community centers, public transportation (12.5% of the total);
- and historical significance, such as designation as historically significant building or a contributing building to an existing or possible historic district (12.5% of the total score).
Additional Information
Purchasing Prop NS-Stabilized Buildings
When buildings have been certified as completed (fully stabilized or stabilized to the fullest amount possible within the Prop NS funding limits), the buildings will be listed as available for prospective purchasers to submit offers to purchase on our Purchasing Properties page. Because these buildings will still need additional work to reach a condition that meets occupancy standards, LRA will still review all offers to ensure that purchasers have the necessary resources and capacity to bring buildings up to code.
Land Reutilization Authority
(314) 657-3721
1520 Market St., Suite 2000
St. Louis, MO 63103
8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.